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为深入贯彻落实党的十五届三中全会和党中央、国务院有关文件精神,加快水土保持生态环境建设步伐,水利部水土保持司最近组织了5个调查组分赴10个省(自治区),开展了水土保持生态环境建设重点工程专项检查和调研工作。这次检查和调研的目的,一是调查总结学习全国各地的好典型、好经验;二是检查督促各地开展水土保持生态环境建设工作,提出解决问题的办法;三是推动水土保持工作向纵深发展,保证跨世纪的水土保持生态环境建设工程开好头,起好步。珠江流域调查组先后检查了广西的来宾县、灵山县、苍梧县和广东的梅县、兴宁市、五华县、龙川县共7个县(市)。检查调研组通过实地查看、座谈讨论、查阅 In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee and the Central Party Committee and the State Council, and accelerate the pace of soil and water conservation and ecological environment construction, the Ministry of Water and Soil Conservation recently organized five investigation teams to go to 10 provinces (autonomous regions) Soil and water conservation carried out the construction of key projects of special inspection and investigation. The purpose of this inspection and investigation is to investigate and summarize the good typical experiences and good experiences in all parts of the country; to examine and urge all localities to carry out the soil and water conservation ecological environment construction work and put forward the solutions to the problems; and third, to promote the development of soil and water conservation in depth , To ensure cross-century soil and water conservation eco-construction projects good start, take good steps. The investigation team of the Pearl River Basin successively examined Laibin County, Lingshan County and Cangwu County of Guangxi Province and Meixian County, Xingning City, Wuhua County and Longchuan County of Guangxi Province for a total of seven counties (cities). Inspection research group through the field view, discussion discussion, access
教育要“以人为本”,就要以人为尊,以人为重,以人为先。它以充分开发学生潜能为己任,以丰富的知识、完整健全人格的培养为目的。 “以人为本”把教育的一切活动都指向为学生的健康成长服务,为学生的成人成才服务。因而,教育必须改变只见“学生”不见“人”的现状,必须扭转重知轻德、重理轻文、重共性轻个性、重结果轻过程的倾向,必须从传统的知识性教育向发展性教育转变。教育要做到“以人为本”,教育就必须回归“人性化”
The National Working Committee on Children and Women under the State Council(NWCCW) held a seminar on establishing two programs to promote the development of Ch
用新方法检测成年人渗出性胸腔积液 ,没有急性感染过程证据 ,如果胸水淋巴细胞占优势 ,首先排除恶性或结核性病变 ,如果最初细胞学和微生物学研究胸水是非诊断性的 ,应当做胸
题在一个正方体容器中倒入适量的水,考虑水面是几边形,给出以下几个答案:①三角形; ②四边形;③五边形; ④六边形.请填写正确答案的序号_____.动手试验一下,很容易找到答案.
~(99m)Tc-HMPAO使带状疱疹感染灶显像[英]/Hi-ranoT…∥ClinNuclMed。1994,19(10).877~879报告一例71岁男性病人,患面部带状疱疹6个月,以后又出现眩晕和下肢无力。头颅CT示脑室周围的皮层下白质中有数个小?.. ~ (99m) Tc-HMPAO shingles zo
To investigate whether the polymorphisms of β2-adrenergic receptor (β2-AR) at position 16, 27, 164 are asso-ciated with asthma in Northern Chinese subjects.