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本刊讯3月12日,北海市第一批名校长(园长)、名师、名班主任工作室建设启动,这标志着该市将以实施“三名”工程为载体,充分发挥中小学名校长(园长)、名师、名班主任的示范、引领、辐射作用,提升教师队伍整体素质,促进教育跨越发展。近年来,该市始终坚持抓好教师队伍建设,精心选派优秀骨干校长、教师参加全区基础教育、中职教育名校长、名教师培养工程培训,委托华中师范大学、北京教育学院、广西师范大学组织开展北海 March 12, Beihai City, the first batch of principal (headmaster), teacher, head teacher studio construction start, which marks the city will be the implementation of “three ” project as a carrier, give full play to Primary school principals (director), teacher, teacher in charge of the model, leading the role of radiation to enhance the overall quality of teachers, and promote education across the development. In recent years, the city has always insisted on building a contingent of teachers, carefully selected outstanding backbone principals, teachers to participate in basic education in the region, the name of secondary vocational school principals, teachers training project training, commissioned Huazhong Normal University, Beijing Institute of Education, Guangxi Normal University Organize the North Sea
目的通过对2种不同献血者满意度调查方式进行分析,了解不同调查方式的优点和不足,以便选择合适的调查方式获得客观的调查结果,从而促进服务质量的进一步提升。方法 2015年1-3
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1988年1月~1993年1月共收治40例41眼,其中男25例26眼,女15例15眼.年龄10~20岁者3眼,21~30岁25眼,31~40岁7眼,41岁以上者6眼.右16眼,左25眼. From January 1988 to January 1993,
The mechanism of hydrogen embrittlement in α-Fe has been extensively studied,which is generally considered to be associated with the characteristics of atomic
OBJECTIVE: To observe the effects of serum containing Mahuang(Herba Ephedra Sinica) or Wuweizi(Fructus Schisandrae Chinensis) on the migration of alveolar macro
目的克隆、鉴定湖北钉螺(Oncomelania hupensis)髓样分化因子88(MyD88)基因,并通过观察感染日本血吸虫前后钉螺各组织中MyD88 m RNA表达水平的变化,探讨其在抗血吸虫感染固有