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Tim Berners-Lee is the man who wrotethe software (软件)programme that led to thefoundation of the World Wide Web. Britainplayed an important part in developing the firstgeneration of computers. The parents of TimBerners-Lee both worked on one of the earliestcommercial computers and talked about theirwork at home As a child he would build Tim Berners-Lee is the man who wrote the software (software) programme that led to the foundation of the World Wide Web. Britainplayed an important part in developing the first generation of computers. The parents of TimBerners-Lee both worked on one of the earliestcommercial computers and Talked about their work at home As a child he would build
我有一位年轻的朋友,他是台湾大学研究所硕士班的高材生,出身于一个平凡的家庭。  他爸爸是名大厦保安,为了贴补家用,兼差帮大厦的住户清理垃圾,数十年如一日。  顾念爸爸赚钱的辛劳,他一有空,便到爸爸上班的大厦帮忙,上上下下每一个楼层,挨家挨户地收垃圾、倒垃圾。有一回,他穿着轻便的汗衫短裤,推着收集垃圾袋的手推车,和一对母子共乘电梯上楼。  母亲逮着机会,在电梯里滔滔不绝地现场教育她的小男孩:“你要用
AIM:To evaluate the incidence,surgery,mortality,and readmission of upper gastrointestinal bleeding(UGIB)secondary to peptic ulcer disease(PUD).METHODS:Administr
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
从某一时期起,人必须穿裤子。而裤子,总是不断变化着的:时而肥,时而瘦;时而长,时而短;或者裤脚呈喇叭状,或者好好的裤子上钻几个 From a certain period of time, people mu