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中央人民政府政务院于七月十四日第四十一次政务会议所通过的人民法庭组织通则业经中央人民政府主席批准,于七月十九日公布施行。这是一个很重要的文件。人民法庭是人民政府在巩固当前人民民主专政的革命任务中重要的斗争武器之一。它的任务是:「运用司法程序,惩治危害人民与国家利益、阴谋暴乱、破坏社会治安的恶霸、土匪、特务、反革命分子及违抗土地改革法令的罪犯,巩固人民民主专政。此外,关于土地改革中划分阶级成分的争执及其它有关土地改革的案件,亦均由人民法庭受理之。」这些任务的规定,是符合于当前革命斗争的实际需要的。国民党反动派的正规军在大陆上全部覆灭之后,残余匪帮在美国帝国主义的策动下,依然用各种办法进行反人民的特务阴谋活动,造谣、放毒、破坏、暗杀、抢粮、骚乱、并在某些新解放区煽惑与胁迫一部分落后群众,组织土匪,发动反革命的所谓「游击战争」,企图用这种办 The General Rules of the People’s Tribunal passed at the 41st Administrative Council of the Central People’s Government on July 14 were approved by the chairman of the Central People’s Government and promulgated on July 19. This is a very important document. The people’s court is one of the most important weapons of struggle for the people’s government in the revolutionary task of consolidating the current people’s democratic dictatorship. Its task is to “use judicial procedures to punish the tyrants, bandits, agents, counterrevolutionaries and criminals who defy the land reform laws that endanger the interests of the people and the country, conspiracy to riot and undermine public order, and consolidate the people’s democratic dictatorship.” In addition, The disputes over the classification of class components and other cases concerning land reform are also accepted by the People’s Court. “These tasks are in line with the actual needs of the present revolutionary struggle. After the formal forces of the Kuomintang reactionaries were completely wiped out on the mainland, the remnants of the remnants of the Kuomintang government, using the impetus of the U.S. imperialists, were still using various methods to carry out spying, poisoning, poisoning, poisoning, poisoning, assaulting, grabbing of food and riots in a certain way Some newly liberated areas incited and intimidated part of the backward masses, organized bandits and launched counter-revolutionary so-called ”guerrilla warfare" in an attempt to use such measures
灭鼠药按作用特点分为急性和慢性两类。鼠类有新物反应和群体行为,灭鼠剂作用过快效果差,急性鼠药即使采用前饵技术(Prebaiting technique),也至多能达到60—70%毒杀率。鼠