Analyze on Edna, the heroine of the Awakening

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  【Abstract】The Awakening is the representative work of Kate Chopin, which is magnum opus that reflects female consciousness in the 19th century. Kate Chopin is the forerunner of feminism. Facing the traditional reality of patriarchy in the 19th century, the heroine, Edna must be a tragedy for her advance awareness and resistance. This article systematically analyzed the psychological journey on Edna’s awakening from sex, spirit to life, even dying for defending traditional moral principles.
  【Key words】Edna; sex awakening; spirit awakening; life awakening
  Kate Chopin is a brave author, “The Awakening” highly analyzes taboo topic of that time from standpoint of human race’s life—female value, divorce and sexual desire, etc. the works exposes female life that is ruined and killed, making a new writing field in American literary history. The Awakening is the representative work of Kate Chopin, also classical topic through the heroine, Edna, female with sensitivity and intelligence.
  1. The awakening on the sex consciousness
  Edna was born in a presbytery family with luscious puritan consciousness; she was inborn with charming and amorous. When she was a young girl, she had a lot romantic pipe dreams. She even loved a young gentleman who had already been engaged with her sister’s good friend. The great reason why she married Pontellier was for being against dictatorial father right. But after her marriage, she couldn’t feel love and passion.
  All the things predict Edna’s sex consciousness was gradually awakened. Then Edna loved Robert, after departing with him, she was concerned about everything on Robert like a girl of first awakening of love from Robert’s photo which made her exciting. She asked for the information on Robert even from her husband. So when she saw Robert again, she kissed him actively without restraint and loved him regardless till the end of the time.
  2. The awakening on spirit
  After Edna’s sex consciousness was regained, she began to rouse awakening on spirit, which means female’s subject consciousness gradually reached a new stage. When Edna fully understood her physiological function, she became more self-respecting and self –regarded than low-down. Above all, she initiated right consciousness and independent consciousness. She realized she had all the common characters that human beings had. So she should be active to plan her life. Then she began to work and made some success. That’s to say she began to pursue and tried to realize her value.   In Edna’s opinion, family prevented her from pursuing freedom and independence, so she moved out to a small room of her own, which was the beginning of her challenging man’s dominating everything. All that Edna had done fully proved her view of feminism.
  3. The awakening on life
  Robert’s leaving gave Edna great hit. So Edna realized she was only the tool and appendix of culture of man’s right, even if she loved Robert, who was opponent not comrade-in-arms, when protecting feminism. When she realized the reality was much crueler than imagination, Edna would be doomed to bend to sacrifice her life without selling her spirit. Edna announced her disdain on the world bravely.
  Edna abandoned her husband, abandoned domination from money by man’s right, abandoned inamorato who only had love but no same ideas, even threw away the tie from her children. She made it true that she gained independent living, dignity and personhood.
  The appearance of the image of Edna was at the time when female consciousness trend swelled up in American basic level society in the 19th century. Feminism movement was on the road, Edna is just the literary representative of the social image. So Edna’s death was a kind of necessity, because that was the tragedy fighting for the female right of the time.
  In the 20th century, when it was time for feminism movement to reach upsurge, the Awakening was released after almost sixty-year’s rejection. The Awakening became a wonderful walk work in feminism movement culture of America, gaining glorious position in American literary history.
  [4]Kate Chopin, Bantam USA. The awakening[J]. Reissue edition (1 Oct,1992).
【摘要】“新课改”推行后,高职英语教学逐渐由以成绩为教学目标转变为以培养核心素养为教学目标,正确的情感价值观有利于高职学生英语核心素养的形成与发展。因此,本文简要阐述高职英语阅读教学中渗透情感教育的作用,进一步探究何在高职英语阅读教学中渗透情感教育。  【关键词】高职英语;阅读教学;情感教育  【作者简介】连瑾(1984.04-),女,汉族,甘肃武威人,甘肃钢铁职业技术学院,研究生,中级,研究方向
【摘要】本文运用定量研究的方法,调查了甘肃林业职业技术学院164名非英专学生英语学习策略的使用情况。研究显示,在学习英语的过程中,高等职业学生频繁使用母语策略,而功能训练策略使用频次较低,使用形式操练策略的频率居于其中;就三种策略的相互关系来看,母语策略与形式操练策略、形式操练策略与功能操练策略这两对变量之间均呈正相关。  【关键词】高职学生;英语;学习策略  【作者简介】张维娜(1981-),女
【摘要】本文首先对思维导图的概念进行了阐述,然后从四个方面探讨分析了小学英语思维导图教学的实践与应用。  【关键词】小学英语;思维导图;实践研究  【作者简介】蔡楠楠,江苏省徐州市云兴小学。  引言  如何为学生在小学阶段打下坚实的基础、提高学生学习英语的重要性,已经成为教师在教学中需要认真思考的问题。而思维导图则很好地解决了这一问题,思维导图通过其本身的特点和构建的过程可以帮助学生形成完整的知识
【摘要】小学英语阅读是当前英语教学的重难点,如何提升英语课外阅读的实效性是教学实践的难题之一。微课突破了时间和空间的界限可以为孩子提供更多的学习资源,其中阅读微课的内容以素养为导向,联结学生生活,浸润语言实践;阅读微课的功能以学情为基础,具有不同阶段、不同层级的特点。阅读微课的实施实现了学习由课内引向课外,在多元多形式的指导下使不同层次的学生得到发展。  【关键词】小学英语;微课教学;英语阅读  
随着教育事业的发展,倡导学生进行自主学习的呼声越来越高。教师如何快速转换自己的角色由知识的传播者变为知识的助产者?如何让学生自觉从知识的被动接受者转换为知识的主动探索者?本文就将对中小学英语学科关于自主学习的教学策略进行探究,以期更好地提高学生的自主学习能力。  改革开放以来,在我国正确的教育方针指导下,中小学教育的普及取得了划时代的成果。与此同时,对于提高中小学教学质量的呼声也越来越高。2001
【Abstract】 Henry James employs blanks to build ambiguity in the short story “Paste”, at least through two ways: posing gaps in the narrative and using the suspended meaning of the dash. One key point
【摘要】写作教学是英语教学的重要方面。随着英语学科核心素养的提出,英语写作也变得越来越重要。然而,受地域、英语基础以及教师重视程度等各方面因素的影响,农村小学生的英语写作能力相当薄弱。本文针对农村小学英语写作教学的现状,结合一定的教学实例,围绕核心素养的培养,从宏观和微观两个层面提出了一些能有效激发学生写作兴趣、提升写作教学实效的有效策略。  【关键词】农村小学;写作教学;有效策略;核心素养  【
【摘要】信息技术是随着科技的发展而被各个领域广泛应用的一项先进技术。高中英语教师在听力教学中可以有效利用信息技术进行教学,这对提升教学效果有很大的帮助。但是应用过程中仍然存在一些问题,因此教师在听力教学中一定要确保通过整合信息技术为学生提供更好地英语教学。本文先阐述了在高中英语听力教学中应用信息技术带来的优势,之后提出了有效运用信息技术提升高中英语听力教学质量的方法,希望能有效解决这些问题。  【