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目的对顽固性颞叶癫疒间病人的海马癫疒间灶组织和癫疒间灶周围正常组织的超微结构进行形态定量观察,以探讨颞叶癫疒间的发生机制。方法对45例病人在深部电极监测下手术切除海马,电镜观察癫疒间灶组织和癫疒间灶周围正常组织中锥体细胞和突触结构的形态学变化;采用体视学分析颞叶癫疒间灶组织和癫疒间灶周围正常组织锥体细胞线粒体体积密度(Vv)、面积密度(Sv)、数密度(Nv)、比表面积(δ)、平均体积(V);测量突触间隙的宽度。结果癫疒间灶组织锥体细胞线粒体较癫疒间灶周围正常组织明显肿胀,且嵴断裂,数量减少,平均截面积增大;线粒体的Vv、V较癫疒间灶周围正常组织大,Sv、Nv、δ较癫疒间灶周围正常组织小。癫疒间灶组织中锥体细胞的轴突和树突内线粒体较癫疒间灶周围正常组织的锥体细胞肿胀明显;轴棘、轴树突触间隙宽度变窄。结论海马锥体细胞超微结构的改变和细胞线粒体功能变化与顽固性颞叶癫疒间的发生关系密切。 Objective To investigate the ultrastructure of hippocampal epileptic foci in patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy and normal tissues around the epileptic foci in order to explore the mechanism of temporal lobe epilepsy. Methods Forty-five patients underwent surgical resection of the hippocampus under deep electrode monitoring. Morphological changes of pyramidal cells and synaptic structures in epileptic foci and normal tissues around the epileptic foci were observed under electron microscope. Temporal lobe epilepsy (Vv), area density (Sv), number density (Nv), specific surface area (δ), average volume (V) of mitochondria in normal tissue around the epileptic foci and epileptic foci; The width of Results The mitochondria of pyramidal cells in the epileptic foci were obviously swollen compared with the normal tissues around the epileptic foci. The number of cristae was reduced and the average cross-sectional area increased. The Vv and V of mitochondria were larger than that of normal tissues around the epileptic foci, , Nv, δ is smaller than the normal tissue around the epileptic foci. In the epileptic foci, the axons of the pyramidal cells and the mitochondria in the dendrites swell more than those in the normal tissues around the epileptic foci. The width of the synaptic cleft between the axial spine and the axons is narrowed. Conclusion The ultrastructural changes of hippocampal pyramidal cells and the changes of mitochondrial function are closely related to the intractable temporal lobe epilepsy.
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患者男,52岁,因间歇性腹痛1年,近期加重,于2002年2月17日入院。查体:营养一般,神志清,体温36℃,轻度贫血貌,心肺听诊无异常,腹软,上腹部有压痛。B超检查肝脾未见 Male, 52
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坚强的生成有两种:一是与生俱来的,一是后天磨砺造就的。而王楠是两者兼备,所以她能脱颖而出成为大名鼎鼎的体育巨人。时光荏苒,虽然辉煌不再,可是追寻王楠走上成功的足迹,仍然不乏立志的亮点。  我妈妈是勤劳朴实的教育工作者,在我还没有上学的时候,她就教会了我写写算算,我自己感觉文化学习不差。可是妈妈也拧不过特别喜欢打乒乓球的爸爸,他很坚决地把我送到抚顺市体校,和教练一样铁面无私地训练我打球。当时我还没有