Effect of mineral admixtures and repeated loading on chloride migration through concrete

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:felixsilent
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The effect of fly ash (FA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) on chloride migration through concrete subjected to repeated loading was examined. Portland cement was replaced by three percentages (20%, 30%, and 40%) of mineral admixtures. Five repeated loadings were applied to concrete specimens using a WHY series fully automatic testing machine. The maximum loadings were 40% and 80% of the axial cylinder compressive strength (f′c). Chloride migration through concretes was evaluated using the rapid chloride migration test and the chloride concentration in the anode chamber was measured. The results showed that the replacement percentages of mineral admixtures, the curing time and repeated loading had a significant effect on chloride migration through concrete. The transport number of chloride through concrete cured for 28 d increased with increasing FA replacement and markedly decreased with extension of the curing time. 20% and 30% GGBFS replacement decreased the transport number of chloride through concrete, but 40% GGBFS replacement increased the transport number. Five repeated loadings at 40% or 80% f′c increased the transport number of chloride for all mixes. The effect of fly ash (FA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) on chloride migration through concrete subjected to repeated loading was examined. Portland cement was replaced by three percentages (20%, 30%, and 40%) of mineral admixtures . Five repeated loadings were applied to concrete specimens using a WHY series fully automatic testing machine. The maximum loadings were 40% and 80% of the axial cylinder compressive strength (f’c). Chloride migration through concretes was evaluated using the rapid chloride migration test and the chloride concentration in the anode chamber was measured. The results showed that the replacement percentages of mineral admixtures, the curing time and repeated loading had a significant effect on chloride migration through concrete. The transport number of chloride through concrete cured for 28 d increased with increasing FA replacement and markedly decreased with extension of the curing time. 20% and 30% GGBFS replacement decreased the transp ort number of chloride through concrete, but 40% GGBFS replacement increased the transport number. Five repeated loadings at 40% or 80% fcc the transport number of chloride for all mixes.
赛多利斯Quintix & Practun天平在千呼万唤之下终于在2013年春天上市了,它将带来天平业界革命性进步。第一场中国区新品发布将在4月9日在广州举办,紧接着是北京,上海。和过往
我的家乡在绍兴。一年一度的腊月风情节开幕啦!古镇打扮一新,穿红戴绿热情地迎接四面八方的游客。红红的灯笼挂起来了,像给整条大街穿上一件红衣裳,看起来喜气洋洋。   街边围着一大堆人,在做什么呢?我怀着好奇心挤进人群。一位头发发白、身穿白围裙的老爷爷在神情专注地表演扯白糖。他往前走一大步,把手中黄里透白的糖条往木柱子上的木条上一挂,顺势把粘稠的糖条用力往下一拉。人往后一退,糖条乖乖地舒展开了,好像变成
我的爸爸是一名工人。他有一双粗大的双手,摸上去暖洋洋的,有太阳的味道。  冬天的晚上,一到睡觉的时候,我总是磨磨蹭蹭不肯钻进冰冷的被窝。我的脚冰冷冰冷的,我经常在被窝里缩成一团。爸爸总是笑我整个人像一个包得散了架的粽子。他笑着把他温暖的大手伸进被窝,握住我冰冷的脚。  有时候,我会耍赖,要和爸爸妈妈一起睡。爸爸细心地把我的脚包在他的大手里暖一会,有时还把我的脚挪到他热乎乎的肚子上。暖洋洋的太阳味道