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  四化Four Modernizations
  中国电信China Telecom
  中国移动China Mobile
  希望工程Project Hope
  扶贫工程Anti-Poverty Project
  外出打工人员migrant workers
  外资企业overseas-funded enterprises
  下岗职工laid-off workers
  素质教育education for all-round development
  应试教育exam-oriented education
  义务教育compulsory education
  豆腐渣工程jerry-built projects
  西部大开发Development of the West Regions, Go-West Campaign
  新新人类New Human Being, X Generation
  充电recharge one's batteries; update one's knowledge
  早恋puppy love
  网吧Internet bar
  网民netizen, net citizen
  网恋online love affair
  网友net friend
  网上冲浪surf the Internet
  菜鸟,新手green hand
  摇钱树cash cow
  大专生junior college student
  待业人员job-waiting people
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