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  CNN Correspondent: Worth 36 billion ?that's right, billion dollars ?he's the second richest man in the world. So, when Warren Buffet speaks international investors sit up and take notice[注意]. He's called the oracle of Omaha, Nebraska.
  Mr. Buffet was in London this week to promote one of his favorite holdings[财产], NetJets. It's an aircraft ownership firm that enables rich customers and CEOs to buy part of a jet, and then they purchase[购买] flying hours. That's cheaper than having to buy and maintain[维修] their own corporate[公司的] plane. NetJets has already had some success in the U.S. with more than 2,000 owners, holding shares in 487 planes. The European part which was launched a few years ago hasn't taken off quite as quickly.
  I sat down with Warren Buffet and asked him not only about his expansion[扩张] plans in Europe, but what was the driving force behind the company and whether he was confident about the economic future.
  Warren Buffet: Well, what drives it is the fact that it makes so much sense from both the standpoint[立场] of economics and the standpoint of ease of use. If you own a quarter, an eighth of a plane with NetJets, in effect you've got more service available than if you own an entire plane, because you can choose from any one of 11 models, it's there in every airport ?there's 5,500 airports in the United States, and in effect your plane is there at anytime you wish.
  CNN 通讯记者:身价360亿美元,没错,是以10亿美元为单位。华伦·巴菲特是全世界第二富豪。因此,只要华伦·巴菲特一开口,国际上的投资商都会洗耳恭听。他被称为内布拉斯加州奥玛哈市的先知。
  巴菲特先生这个星期在伦敦为他最喜爱的旗下公司之一NetJets 做宣传。这是一家飞机租赁公司,允许有钱的客户和执行总裁们买下部分飞机使用权,然后再购买飞行时间。这比购买并维修自己的企业专机还要便宜。NetJets 在美国已小有成就,拥有超过两千名客户,以及487架飞机。其数年前才起步的欧洲分部进展还不是很快。
  Warren Buffett's determination[决心] and creativity[创造力] have made him who he is today: the chairman[董事长] of a company that has more than $2 billion in holdings.
  As a child, Buffett was already ambitious[有雄心的]. He was an industrious[刻苦的] paper boy for the Washington Post, and tried to cover more than one route[路线] at once. He also made money by collecting and selling lost golf balls. Buffett's interest in finance was clear extremely early on in his life. He started playing the stock market with one of his sisters when he was eleven. At twelve, he was betting on[赌] horses, and by high school he had started a pinball[弹球] machines business with a friend, which earned him fifty dollars a week. Not only did he own a business by the time he graduated, but he also had bought himself forty acres of Nebraskan farmland with his profits.
  After working for his father's investment banking[投资银行业务] company for three years after finishing business school, Buffett worked as a security analyst[证券分析家] for two years. At the age of twenty-five, Buffett started his own investment company, the Buffett Partnership. One of the smartest moves made by Buffet誷 company at that time was to invest in American Express.
  In 1963, a scandal[丑闻] surrounded AmEx, and Wall Street believed the company was near bankruptcy[破产]. But Buffett, always with his wits[才智] about him, noticed when in restaurants and shops that customers were still using the card to buy. He went ahead and bought 5% of the stock, which had risen from 35 to 189 market points within five years. Buffett is now chairman of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., which makes the long-term investments which Buffett is so adept at[熟练于] choosing.
  1963年,美国运通公司丑闻缠身,华尔街认为该公司将要倒闭。但是永远睿智过人的巴菲特发现客户在餐厅和商店中依然会用运通卡刷卡消费。他率先购买了5% 的股票,这些股票在5年的时间里从每股35美元涨至每股189美元。如今巴菲特是伯克希尔· 哈萨威公司的董事长,该公司在巴菲特驾轻就熟的领域进行长期投资。
Emma Thompson, whose first 1)screenplay ?an 2)adaptation of Sense and Sensibility ?won the 1995 Oscar, returns to screenwriting with Nanny McPhee, a film adaptation of the urse Matilda?books by Christ
Grew up in a small town   And when the rain would fall down   I'd just stare[凝视] out my window   Dreamin?of what could be   And if I'd end up happy   I would pray[祈祷]     Trying hard to reach out   Bu
[摘要]高职高专“两课”教学可采用如下教学计划:基本理论教学占总学时的30%,针对热点、难点、疑点进行专题式教学占总学时的60%,社会实践教学占总学时的10%。这种“361”教学模式是一种很有意义的教学改革探索。“361”教学模式有着鲜明的特点。它的实现离不开一系列必备的条件。  [关键词]高职高专 “两课”  “361”教学模式  [中图分类号]G642.0 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]
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A little over a century ago, Levi Strauss invented the first modern jeans. Introduced originally as 1)rugged, durable clothing for hard-working men and women, today all social classes feel comfortable
这是英国浪漫主义诗人济慈(1795-1821)写给恋人芬妮·勃劳恩的情书。1818年,23岁的济慈认识并爱上了邻家少女勃劳恩,并在伦敦订婚。后来,他因看护弟弟而传染了肺结核病。1820年,他在友人的陪伴下去意大利休养,但还是于1821年 2月23日在罗马去世。此信写于济慈去世前不久,表达了他对恋人的爱,以及对两人关系的担忧。    Wednesday Morning. (Kentish Town,
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I cry your mercy[仁慈] -pity -love! -aye, love!  Merciful love that tantalizes[逗弄,招惹] not,  One -thoughted, never -wandering, guileless[不狡诈的] love,  Unmasked, and being seen -without a blot[污点]!  O! Let