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  Lou Dobbs, CNN Anchor: Well, one of the most successful actors in this town is Kevin Spacey. Kevin won an Oscar for best actor in the movie American Beauty. He also 1)captured another Oscar for best supporting actor in The Usual Suspects. And like anyone in this business, he spent several years becoming an overnight success.
  He came up the hard way and he hasn't forgot his 2)struggle. He's giving back. Kevin Spacey operates a production company called Trigger Street, and he uses the company to 3)nurture and 4)advocate young, emerging screenwriters and actors. He not only helps them devolop their careers, but produces their movies, as well.
  Actor 5)extraordinaire and business-man as well: Kevin Spacey. Good to have you here.
  Kevin Spacey, Actor: Thank you. Thank you for having me.
  Lou Dobbs, CNN Anchor: Did you have, with your company, Trigger Street, any sense of the 6)slowdown that Hollywood experienced?
  Kevin Spacey, Actor: Well, not so much because it's a relatively new company and I actually, when we started it in 1997, I didn't actually expect to produce a film for a couple of years. We were really focusing on developing relationships with 7)literacy agent, with playwrights, with…going out and trying to find as much content and interesting new voices and writers as we possibly could.
  The fact that we ended up producing a film called The Big Kahuna a couple of years ago with Danny DeVito, and we also produced The Iceman Cometh, which was a play that I did in New York, was kind of surprise. But this year really has been the year that we have been sort of focused on really, kind of, pulling the 8)trigger, as we like to call it over at our place. We've done a film called The United States of Leland with a first-time writer/director, who is 27-year-old, named Matthew Hoge, and?
  Lou Dobbs, CNN Anchor:And that's going to be released when?
  Kevin Spacey, Actor: That'ml be released next year. We don't have a 9)distributor yet, but our intention is to take it to some film festival, and that film really, in a way, has represented exactly what I want the company to be about. We're not just giving an opportunity to somebody, but also trying to nurture them, trying to protect them, trying to give them as many 10)resourceful tools, and a 11)crew, and a 12)cast to help them make their dream come ture.
  And at the same time, help them learn what it's like to work with producers, to 13)negotiate yourself in what some times is [are] the 14)treacherous waters of trying to make your dream happen on screen.
  Lou Dobbs, CNN Anchor:That's what I was going to ask you ?protect them from what?
  Kevin Spacey, Actor: Well, I think sometimes protect them, in some cases, from themselves. You know, there are times when you're very young, you haven't had a lot of experience, and if you have an attitude about your work that It's my way or the highway?then it's very difficult to learn how to 15)compromise. And that's one of the things that you have to learn how to do when you're creating something with a group of people.
  You have 16)collaborators, and you have investors who have put their money on the line to believe in something you want to do. And I've always believed that there is a way to both have something that is true to its intentions, and its heart, and its breath that makes it 17)unique, and at the same time, have it be as commercial as it possibly can. Because at the end of the day, it doesn't much matter if you're a 18)brilliant screenwriter or director if nobody sees your work.
  CNN 主播 劳·杜伯斯:凯文·史贝西是本镇最成功的男星之一,他曾因《美国丽人》获得奥斯卡最佳男主角奖,还凭《非常嫌疑犯》获得奥斯卡最佳男配角奖。就像这个行业中的任何人一样,他在一夜成名之前,也经历了很多年的奋斗。
  演员 凯文·史贝西:谢谢。谢谢你的邀请。
  CNN 主播 劳·杜伯斯:你们公司……“翠阁街”,有没有经受到好莱坞所经历的经济不景气呢?
  演员 凯文·史贝西:感受不是很强烈,因为我们公司是一间相对比较新的公司,我们其实是在1997年才创立的,在好几年的时间里,我都不曾打算拍电影。我们重在建立和作家经纪人、剧作家之间的关系……我们尽可能地在外面找寻更多剧情内容、有趣的新声音和作家。
  CNN 主播 劳·杜伯斯:这部影片什么时候才会发行呢?
  演员 凯文·史贝西:这部影片会在明年发行。我们还没找到发行公司,但我们想把它送去参加电影节,而且,这部电影从某种程度上确实表现了我对我们公司所期待的效果。我们不仅为一些人提供机会,还会尽量去培养他们,尽量去保护他们,尽量为他们提供尽可能多的器材和工作人员以及演员队伍,从而帮助他们圆梦。
  CNN 主播 劳·杜伯斯:那正是我要问你的,何谓保护他们?
  演员 凯文·史贝西:我认为,有时候要让他们不要受到自己的负面影响。人总会经历年轻气盛又经验不足的阶段,如果你的工作态度是“要么就照我的方式做,否则免谈”的话,就很难学到该如何妥协。而那正是你要通过与团队合作、创造出新东西时应该懂得的事情之一。

Grew up in a small town   And when the rain would fall down   I'd just stare[凝视] out my window   Dreamin?of what could be   And if I'd end up happy   I would pray[祈祷]     Trying hard to reach out   Bu
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