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写下这个题目,便不自觉地在心里吟诵起那些熟悉的诗篇,而且大多是古人的句子。雨,大概是古典的,而且常常当人们进入一种诗化的境况,才会从喧嚣的市井声浪里逃出来。逃出来的耳朵,才能听雨。听雨有三个条件:第一是心静而神动,心静者不为市井或朝野的得失荣辱而悲喜,心平如水,不起波澜;神动者,是心神与自然呼应,天地万象,胸中百感,互交互合。第二是独处一室,或在书房与书为侣,或于山中小亭坐对群峰。第三是有雨。说到这里,话题的主角就出来了,听雨者,与雨为朋,其喜怒哀乐,无不是因雨而起。 Write down this topic, they unconsciously recite those familiar Psalms, and most of the ancients sentences. The rain, presumably classical, often escaped the hustle and bustle of the city when people entered a poetic situation. Escape from the ear, to listen to the rain. There are three conditions to listen to the rain: the first is the quiet and moving, the quiet person is not for the marketplace or the pros and cons of the gains and losses of grief and joy, peace of mind, can not afford waves; God move, is the mind and nature echoed, Vientiane world, , Mutual interaction. The second is a solitary room, or in the study and book as a couple, or sit in the mountains kiosks peaks. The third is rain. Here, the protagonist of the topic came out, listening to the rain, friends with the rain, their emotions, are all from the rain.
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在英语教学中,通过多种方式创设情境,营造轻松愉快的氛围,让学生置身其中,感性认识得到升华、强化,激发学生的学习动力,锻炼了他们用英语进行 In English teaching, creatin
妈妈曾告诉过我“铁观音”茶名的来历,还有一个美丽而神奇的传说呢!清朝的时候,老茶农魏荫(wei yin)喜欢种茶,又信奉(xin feng)观音。他每天早晚都要 My mother once told m