Runoff of the upper Yellow River above Tangnag: characteristics, evolution and changing trends

来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:game00vergoo
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Runoff and its evolution, based on hydrometeorological data from surface measurement stations, are analyzed for the upper reaches of the Yellow River above Tangnag. Some mathematical statistical models, for example, Period Extrapolation-Gradual Regression Model, Grey Topology Forecast Model and Box-Jinkins Model, are applied in predicting changing trends on the runoff. The analysis indicates that the runoff volume in the upper Yellow River above Tangnag is ending a period of extended minimum flows. Increasing runoff is expected in the coming years. Runoff and its evolution, based on hydrometeorological data from surface measurement stations, are analyzed for the upper reaches of the Yellow River above Tangnag. Some mathematical statistical models, for example, Period Extrapolation-Gradual Regression Model, Gray Topology Forecast Model and Box-Jinkins Model, are applied in predicting changing trends on the runoff. The analysis indicates that the runoff volume in the upper yellow river above Tangnag is ending a period of extended minimum flows. Increasing runoff is expected in the coming years.
摘 要:数学教学中的学习情意是影响学生数学学习状态的重要因素之一。本文中,笔者对在数学教学中如何实施情意目标的融合策略进行了探讨。  关键词:小学数学;情意目标;融合策略   中图分类号:G427 文献标识码:A文章编号:1992-7711(2012)02-071-1      课改以来,培养学生积极的学习情意已经被列入数学课程标准之中,并从知识与技能、方法和过程、情感态
本文以小学数学四年级教材中“解决问题的策略”这一单元为主要探讨内容,分析了策略教学的三大注意事项:因需而滋生、因变而灵活、因思而深刻。 In this paper, the fourth