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由中国国际友谊促进会和日本日中经济文化技术交流协会联合举办的“日本大正琴交流演奏会”于10月23日在北京市少年宫举行。日本大正琴是一种深受日本国民喜爱的民族弹拨乐器。这次来华演出的是日本大正琴协会选派的六名最好的演员。她们演奏了舒伯特的《小夜曲》等世界名曲和《北国之春》、《大海啊故乡》等日本民谣曲和中国民乐曲,中国音乐学院师生也同台演奏了中国民族乐曲。 The Japan Big Masters Concert and Concert, co-sponsored by China International Association for the Advancement of Friendship and Japan-China Economic, Technical and Cultural Exchange Association, was held on October 23 in the Beijing Children’s Palace. Japanese Masaharu is a national plucked instrument favored by Japanese nationals. This is the 6 best actors selected by the Japan Masaki Association. They performed world famous songs such as Schubert’s Serenade and Japanese folk songs such as The Spring of North Korea and The Hometown of the Sea, as well as Chinese folk music. Teachers and students from China Conservatory also performed Chinese folk music on the same stage.
奥地利人在长者面前脱帽以示尊重。长期以来,他们也以同样方式向欧洲的古老树种——接骨木Sambucus nigra L.(俗名El-derberry)表示敬意。中世纪之前,接骨木在欧洲民间已用
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某些病理条件下,白细胞可以大量聚集产生和释放蛋白水解酶、细 胞因子、氧自由基从而加重组织的损伤,并发生与内皮细胞粘附。三大类细胞粘附 分子参与白细胞与内皮细胞的粘附。
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