New Term

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  张卓华:Hi, my name is Zhang Zhuohua. I’m ten. I am in Class 1, Grade 4 now. I am a lovely girl. I’m a bookworm. I like reading books. When I am free, I always read books. In this new term, let’s read together!

  鄒沁依:Hello, everyone! My English name is Alice. I’m eleven years old. I like drawing and reading books. I am an outgoing(开朗的) girl. I like making new friends. The new term comes. I want to make more new friends. And I can get some new books. Then let’s enjoy the fun of reading. OK?

  李明锐:Hi, I’m Tom. I’m a smart boy. I am the fourth grade student this term. In this new term, I meet a nice teacher. She teaches me English. I learn new knowledge(知识) from her. I want to make new friends. I think I can be a better student this term. Come on!

  袁科宇:Hello, I’m Yuan Keyu. I’m ten years old. In the new term, I want to make new friends. At weekends, I want to play ping-pong with my friends. On National holiday I want to visit West Lake with my parents. That’s great fun! I still want to act English stories with my classmates in class. I am happy every day.

  姚蓉果儿:Hello, everyone! I am Cindy. I’m a lovely girl. I like animals. At my home, I have a rabbit. I often play with it. I am good at playing the piano. The new term is coming. I can make some new friends. I’m so happy! Do you want to be my friend? Write to me please.

  胡贝宁:Hello, my name is Hu Beining. I’m ten years old. I like to read books, especially fairytales. I’m a pretty girl. Everyone likes to play with me. The new term comes. Let’s study hard together. Come on!

  曹艺航:My name is Cao Yihang. I live in a small town, Yangshan. It is a beautiful town. This year, I’m 10 years old. I’m in the fourth grade. I like robots and reading books. I hope to make more new friends at school. I believe I will be happy in the new term.
  孩子们,你们用“Hello/Hi, I am …/ My name is ...”进行了自我介绍,让大家认识了你们。你们和大家分享了兴趣爱好,你们的爱好真广泛呀!小编总结了一下,大家都like reading,而且想要make new friends。新的学期,大家是信心满满,希望读更多的书,交更多的朋友。你们真棒!
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编者按:为调动中青年干部研究重大问题的积极性,日前国家发展改革委召开了第六届中青年干部研讨会。会议的主题是:深化改革,加快建立有利于落实科学发展观和构建社会主义和谐社会要求的体制机制。会议提交的论文围绕“十一五”规划和改革中的热点、难点问题,有针对性地提出了政策建议。我刊将陆续刊登部分优秀论文,供各地参考。    垄断行业是指被一家或少数几家企业控制的行业。垄断的形成可以分为经济垄断、行政垄断和自