Friction and Wear Properties of TiAl and Ti_2AlN/TiAl Composites at High Temperature

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ztzyls
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The high-temperature friction and wear properties of TiAl alloys and Ti2 AlN/TiAl composites(TTC) in contact with nickel-based superalloy were studied.The results showed that,at 800 and 1 000 ℃,the coefficient of the friction(COF) decreased with the increase of sliding velocity and the wear loss of the TTC decreased with the increase of volume fraction of Ti2 AlN.The wear mechanisms of the pairs are adhesive wear and the wear debris mainly comes from the contacting nickel-based superalloy.The intergranular fracture and the cracking of the phase boundary in the lamellar structure are the wear mode of TiAl alloy.The wear mode of TTC is phase boundary fracture and adhesive spalling.The abrasive resistance of TTC is slightly higher than that of TiAl alloy. The high-temperature friction and wear properties of TiAl alloys and Ti2AlN / TiAl composites (TTC) in contact with nickel-based superalloy were studied. The results showed that, at 800 and 1000 ° C, the coefficient of the friction (COF) decreased with the increase of sliding of and the wear loss of the TTC decreased with the increase of volume fraction of Ti2 AlN. the wear mechanisms of the pairs are adhesive wear and the wear debris mainly comes from the contact nickel-based superalloy. intergranular fracture and the cracking of the phase boundary in the lamellar structure are the wear mode of TiAl alloy. The wear mode of TTC is phase boundary fracture and adhesive spalling. The abrasive resistance of TTC is slightly higher than that of TiAl alloy.
【摘要】幼儿是祖国的未来和希望,人们总是把他们比作祖国的花朵和幼苗。幼苗的茁壮成长,才能发展栋梁之才。幼儿教师正是培养这些幼苗成长的园丁,是开发幼儿智力资源的启蒙教师,是手持金钥匙为幼儿打开知识宝库大门的第一代人。  【关键词】幼儿课堂教学培养  幼儿是祖国的未来和希望,人们总是把他们比作祖国的花朵和幼苗。幼苗的茁壮成长,才能发展栋梁之才。幼儿教师正是培养这些幼苗成长的园丁,是开发幼儿智力资源的启
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