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对于新进刑侦支队的刑警,支队长姚华说的第一句话是:“当警察就要当刑警,当刑警就要讲奉献。”他给全体刑警提出的奋斗目标是:“发扬攻坚精神,争创先锋警队。”姚华自1989年当上刑警,尤其是1997年担任刑侦支队长以来,为侦查破案所建立的累累功绩自不待言,称其为“刑警先锋”也毫不为过。更难能可贵的是,在破案攻坚的同时,他对部下充满了关爱之情,对人民群众倾注了热爱之情,甚至对犯罪嫌疑人家属也寄予了抚慰之情。他以实际行动践行“三个代表”重要思想,用党员的先进性体现党的先进性,在人民群众中树立了新时期共产党员、人民警察的良好形象。他不愧为刑警的光辉榜样。 Interpol for the new criminal investigation detachment, detachment Yaohua said the first sentence is: “When the police should be Interpol, when Interpol should be dedicated.” “He proposed to all the Interpol goal is: ” Carry forward the storming spirit and strive for a pioneering police force. “” Since Yaohua became an Interpol in 1989, especially since he became the captain of the criminal investigation in 1997, he has not to be mentioned for his efforts in investigating and solving crimes. "Is no exaggeration. Even more commendable is that at the same time as he is cracking a case, he is full of love for his men, devoted his love to the people, and even comforted the families of the suspects. In actual practice, he implemented the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ reflected the advanced nature of the party with the advanced nature of party members, and established a good image of the CPC members and the people’s police among the people. He deserves to be a brilliant role model for Interpol.
  We systematically investigate the alpha-decay half-lives of three kinds of exotic nuclei in the framework of the density-dependent cluster model.This includ
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  Previous experimental results of (EC+β+) decay for the medium-heavy nuclei reported by our group since 1994, including 153Er, 157Yb, 209Fr, 133Pr, 128Ce,13