Revelation of Stanford prison experiment

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  【Abstract】Stanford Prison Experiment is a famous psychological experiment, this paper describes the experimental characteristics of the content and conclusions, drawn inspiration for humanity.
  【Key words】Stanford Prison Experiment; Lucifer effect; humanity
  1. The Stanford prison experiment
  Famous psychologist at Stanford university, former President of the American psychological association (APA) Philip Zimbardo did a famous Stanford prison experiment. Zimbardo put the building in the basement of the psychology department at Stanford converted into prison, for $15 a day, a group of students to participate in the experiment. These students had stability emotion, healthy body, law-abiding. The experimenter role for these students random distributed, parts as “guards”, another parts as “prisoners”.
  In straight handsome khaki uniforms, chest hung a whistle, wearing dark sunglasses and waist with batons and handcuffs, the guards look absolutely can be spurious. But the people didn’t have any special vocational training, how to be prison guards, they just seen from television, newspapers and magazines. Before experiment, Zimbardo identited nine guards to make the following requirements: Doing as much as possible close to the reality, but they can’t use violence to maintain order in the prison. The guard’s duty was to “maintain the prison law and order”.
  But, just after the first day, the guards made a kind of punishment for the first time: A prisoner’ tidy bed was unqualified, and because of guard’s sharp words, immediately began to diffuse tensions. Then, some prisoners barricaded themselves in the cell of the room, were not willing to accept this domineering control. In the face of resistance, the guards had no concessions, and beat prisoners with a fire extinguisher, and locked up some prisoners for hours, some prisoners started crying. But it all came too fast! In the end, the experimental group had to let “tears prisoner” leave from the experiment.
  Prisoners were no direct conflict, but tension was still rising. The punishment was more and more ingenious. They forced prisoners to play jump goat, as an insult. In addition, they had forced prisoners carrying two inmates do push-ups. Until the guards had a new trick, forcing two “prisoners” imitate animal mating. This greatly exceeded the limits of tolerance, while the researchers had to suspend experiment only six days which should implement two weeks.
  2. Lucifer effect and its characteristics   2.1 The Lucifer effect
  In the process of “the Stanford prison experiment”, Dr Zimbardo witnessed a shocking situation: In certain social situation, good man will have committed atrocities. The changes to one’s character was what he called the “Lucifer effect” - god’s most beloved angel Lucifer’ fell and became the first fallen angel, Lucifer was casted out of heaven in the end.
  2.2 The characteristics of Lucifer effect
  2.2.1 Remove personnel
  Prisoner be coded, make the sense of belonging, as soon as possible to adapt to the collective life, adapt to life in prison.
  2.2.2 Force each other to do simple repetitive movements, enhance each other’s subject consciousness
  At first, let the prisoner repeated number, fold the quilt, did push-ups. This is actually happened in armed forces all over the world. So soldiers will be easy controlled, you can also get unquestioning obedience, and convenient management.
  2.2.3 Learned helplessness
  Some prisoners applied for going out but were rejected in many times, so they accepted the reality, and became more silence, just mechanical compliance.
  2.2.4 Mediocrity of evil
  Before the experiment guards and prisoners were physical and psychological normally, ordinary college students did not have criminal records, their grouping was just by flipping a coin to decide .Cruel life is too easy to expose the evil of human nature, in the absence of law and moral pressure environment, numerous historical evidenced how ordinary people become animals within a few seconds.
  2.2.5 Socialization
  People will find positions in a set of organization, also the rules and the sense of belonging, recognition. So guards play as “guards”, prisoners play as “prisoners”.
  3. Revelation of Stanford prison experiment
  Zimbardo believed this result was caused by joint action of many factors. At the beginning of the experiment, experimental mentor had the absolute power to specify the boundaries of good and bad - guards and prisoners. As the powerful prison guards and correctional persons, through the duties of managing the prisoner, they made limits which refer to prisoner’s freedom, and they mastered the behavior of special disposal of prisoner’s will.
  After experiment, “guards” said, “I feel weird... I let them call each other’s names, but also let them scrub the toilet by hand. I really put the ‘offender’ regarded as livestock, and I have to watch them, in case they do bad things.” prisoners only have the rights to respond - this “response” only have two choices: fight or submissive. The former, bringing punishment; the latter will result to the loss of autonomy and dignity. On the third day of the trial, “prisoners” actually began to believe which “guards” often said to them: they were really inferior and they can not change the status.   Humanity, after being tested, will find the environmental impact is so great. A lot of people at the beginning wanted to play as prisoner, because of easily. However, in the end prisoners were breakdown, or cried out, or became obedient persons. Guards also did not adapt to role at the beginning. In that environment, in that kind of position, no guarantee can be made to stick to their human nature.
  What we can do, is to create a good environment, conducive to the growth of the people, for human nature to the right direction.
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【摘要】在中学教学体系中,英语扮演着极其重要的角色,而学生兴趣的培养也变得越来越重要,已经得到了诸多教育工作者的高度重视与关注。加强学生兴趣培养,可以为中学英语教学水平的提升创造有利条件,保证学生在课堂教学中较高的参与度,增强中学英语教学的实效性,彰显学生的主体的地位。本文主要以中学英语教学过程中学生兴趣培养方法为论点,以供相关人士的借鉴。  【关键词】中学英语教学 学生 兴趣培养 方法  目前,
1. Introduction  International Schools are established to provide convenience for children of foreign personnel to receive education. The number of international schools in Shanghai is currently 32, b
英语阅读是学生带着好奇主动理解感知的过程,是学生聚焦核心要点进行深度拓展延伸的过程。多从学生关注的热点出发,找出学生的难点、重点和论点,定能使得他们在不断强化识记运用的基础上获得更多综合语用方向,便于他们在主动尝试与实践探知的基础上形成更多丰富感悟体验。借助相应的要点进行有效突破,便于学生在主动梳理相关认知体系中获得敏锐的感知,并能使之转化为理解运用,满足他们的探究好奇发展需要。  一、自找难点,
【摘要】文化缺省现象对于翻译研究具有重大意义。本文从关联理论的视角对《老友记》中字幕翻译进行个案分析,从而探索影视字幕翻译中文化缺省的具体可行性翻译策略,帮助译语观众获得最佳的语境效果,更好地欣赏英文影视作品。  【关键词】字幕翻译 文化缺省 翻译策略  一、引言  影视作品不仅是商业产物,本质上也是文化产品。字幕翻译是跨文化交流的主要渠道和方式,字幕中含有丰富的名称、习语、格言以及个别隐喻等都具
【摘要】在信息科技技术高速发展的今天,中小学教学正发生翻天覆地的变化,义务教学阶段也开始由传统纸质媒介教学向网络媒介教学过渡,教育和信息化技术的融合可以说已成为了时代发展的主要潮流,并渗透到各个学科的教育教学中。英语作为我国义务教学阶段重要的一门基础性学科,占据着小升初考试的半壁江山。云平台在其课堂教学中的运用势在必行,基于此,本文将从以下几方面着手,简要分析探讨其实施的具体过程。  【关键词】云
【摘要】英语语言能力与英语语感有着密不可分的联系,英语语感能够有效地提升人们对英语学习的兴趣,提高英语学习能力。认真学习和了解这一关系,能够有效地提升当前英语学习的效果,对学生英语水平的提高起到积极作用。本文从英语语言能力和英语语感的内涵入手,分析探究其两者存在的相关性。  【关键词】英语语言能力 英语语感 相关性  引言  随着当前经济全球化的不断发展,我国同世界各国间的交流和合作也随之增加,在
【摘要】通过改变学生学习英语词汇的方法,让单词识记不再是一件枯燥的事情,通过趣味的教学方法,发展学生动手动脑的能力,提高记忆单词的效率,帮助学生找到适合自己的记忆方法,发挥其想象力、创造力,为英语学习打下坚实的基础  【关键词】趣味 有效 教学方法 兴趣  如何让学生掌握一定数量的词汇,是小学英语教学的重要任务之一。自然教学法的倡导人特蕾西认为:词汇学习对于理解语言和言语输出都至关重要。有了足够的
【摘要】现阶段,随着素质教育的大力倡导和日益推进,艺术教育是素质教育的关键构成部分,越来越受到广大教育者的关注和重视,并取得不错的发展。不过在高中教育活动中应试教育理念根深蒂固,在教育实践中存在着部分主观与客观障碍,影响艺术教育的顺利开展。本文通过对高中艺术教育如何开展进行认真浅析和研究,同时列举出一系列恰当的途径。  【关键词】高中艺术教学 开展途径  当前各级教育部门与高中学校领导对艺术教育的