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随着市场竞争的白炽化,如何利用广告宣传以促动消费者的购买欲,已俨然成为厂商获取商机的必研课题。虽然已有电视、报纸、杂志、广播等大众媒体的盛行,以及网络新兴媒体的发展,但碍于以上广告传播媒体的诉求对象的不定性,且又会受到空间、时间、形态等客观的限制,使得广告效果受到一定的影响。因此,一种不受广告媒体限制,既可独立完成广告宣传,又可选择特定诉求对象的广告形式——直邮广告(DM)也就在社会上大行其道。直邮广告,是指所有通过国家邮政或者传递公司等渠道直接送给选定对象的广告方式。直邮广告,简称为 DM 广告。DM 是英文 Direct Mail Advertising 的缩写。DM 的术语来自美国,于1955年左右便出现于当时的工商界,近几年来已被各层的人士广泛运用,几乎已完全融入每个人的生活。其实,在 With the incandescence of market competition, how to use advertising to promote the desire of consumers has become a must-read project for manufacturers to obtain business opportunities. Although the prevalence of mass media such as television, newspapers, magazines and radio, and the development of new media on the Internet have arisen, due to the uncertainties of the above appeals of the media of advertisement and advertising, they are subject to the objective restrictions of space, time and form , Making the advertising effect is affected to some extent. Thus, a form of advertising that can be advertised independently and restricted to specific audiences without the restrictions of advertising media - direct mail advertising (DM) is also popular in the community. Direct mail advertising refers to all through the national postal or delivery companies and other channels directly to the selected object advertising. Direct mail advertising, referred to as DM ads. DM is an abbreviation of English Direct Mail Advertising. The terminology of the DM, which came from the United States, appeared in the then-current business community around 1955 and has been used extensively by people from all walks of life in recent years and has been fully integrated into everyone’s life. In fact, at
The devastating 05/12/2008 Wenchuan earthquake (Mw7.9) in Sichuan Province of China showed very few precursory phenomena and occurred on a fault system once ass
The importance of soil small strain effect on soil-structure behavior was investigated by researchers in last decades. The finite element method (FEM) is always
文章从交易成本、规模经济和范围经济的理论 ,分析了电子商务环境下 ,电子中介存在的合理性 ,介绍了电子中介的新功能和作用 Based on the theories of transaction costs,