
来源 :中国企业家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lgshow
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要有一种动态地思考经济、思考市场变化的视角。一方面防范繁荣时期可能带来的风险,另一方面实现企业稳定、持续地增长我们在研究中国经济如何进一步发展,如何保持持续的繁荣的问题,我们对于过去30年经济增长的各种因素做了分析,看看这些因素在今后10年、20年是不是还继续存在?这决定了我们持续了30年的繁荣,还能不能再继续持续10年、20年?分析的结果基本是存在的,有些因素也许今后可能作用会小一点,比如说外资的作用,比如说我们劳动力成本比较低的作用,今后无疑可能会小一点。 There should be a dynamic perspective on the economy and thinking about market changes. On the one hand to guard against the risks posed by the booming period and on the other hand to achieve a steady and sustained growth of the enterprises we are studying how to further develop the Chinese economy and how to maintain sustained prosperity. What are the various factors that have contributed to economic growth in the past 30 years? Analysis to see if these factors in the next 10 years, 20 years is not still exist? This determines that we have lasted 30 years of prosperity, but also can not continue for 10 years, 20 years? The results of the analysis is basically there Some factors may be smaller in the future. For example, the role of foreign capital, such as the relatively low cost of our labor force, will undoubtedly be smaller in the future.
The soil plug phenomenon involving the rising of the surface soil inside the bucket chamber under the suction pressure and seepage forces was simulated and calc
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