
来源 :城市建设理论研究(电子版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jy168300124
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邻避问题的发展,其主要经过了问题发生的萌芽期、问题的成熟期以及问题的发展期三个主要阶段,而近年来对邻避的内涵以及实际属性有了更加明确的认识。在19世纪中叶的西方,随着不同国家之间铁路以及公路等等现代交通工程的建设发展,当地的居民有了更多的抵触以及反对声音,故而对很多公共设施的建设就造成了一定的干扰。在此背景下,邻避问题的治理开展研究萌芽,到了20世纪70年代,欧海尔在其论文《你不要在我的街区:设施选址和补偿的战略重要性》中正式提出“邻避”—词,其主要是指当地的居民对有关公共设施的建发展有着一定的反对意见。20世纪80年代末,邻避问题及质量的研究得到了进一步的深入发展,有了更加宽广的发展路径。基于此,本文将着重分析探讨邻避行动的应对困局及其治理,以期能为以后的实际工作起到一定的借鉴作用。 The development of the neo-avoidance problem has mainly gone through three main stages: the embryonic stage of the problem, the mature stage of the problem and the development stage of the problem. In recent years, the connotation and the actual attributes of the neo-avoidance have been more clearly understood. In the mid-19th century, with the construction and development of modern traffic projects such as railroads and highways among different countries, local residents had more resistance and opposition. Therefore, the construction of many public facilities caused a certain amount of interference. Against this backdrop, the research on the governance of neighbors has sprouted. By the 1970s, Oerlikon formally proposed in its paper “Do not be in my neighborhood: the strategic importance of site selection and compensation” "- The word, mainly refers to the local residents on the construction of public facilities have some objections. In the late 1980s, the research on the problem of adjoining and its quality has been further developed and has a broader development path. Based on this, this article will focus on analyzing and discussing the dilemma and its governance of response actions, with a view to some reference for future practical work.