
来源 :Journal of Marine Science and Application | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:5511
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Heat transfer enhancement is used in many applications including heat exchangers, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems; hence many researchers have conducted experimental and numerical researches on heat transfer enhancement and have developed various techniques and methods. As a passive heat transfer technique, twisted tapes are widely used in various industries for their cost savings, lower maintenance requirements and the fact that they are easily set up. This paper introduces the principle of heat transfer enhancement of twisted tapes and reviews some of the experimental works done by researchers on this technique in recent years. The variously modified twisted tape inserts are widely researched and used to enhance heat transfer efficiency for heat exchangers. Twisted tapes perform better in low Re conditions and in square tubes. However, they could also cause higher pressure drops. Twisted tapes have great potential and profound implications if they can be used in traditional heat exchangers. Besides this, some correlations between the Nusselt number and friction factors are presented in this paper. Heat transfer enhancement is used in many applications including heat exchangers, air conditioning, and refrigeration systems; air-conditioning, and refrigeration systems; many researchers have conducted experimental and numerical researches on heat transfer enhancement and have developed various techniques and methods. As a passive heat transfer technique, twisted tapes are widely used in various industries for their cost savings, lower maintenance requirements and the fact that they are easily set up. This paper introduces the principle of heat transfer enhancement of twisted tapes and reviews some of the experimental works done by researchers on this technique in recent years. The variously modified twisted tape inserts are widely researched and used to enhance heat transfer efficiency for heat exchangers. Twisted tapes perform better in low Re conditions and in square tubes. However, they could also cause higher pressure drops. and profound implications if they can be used in tradition al heat exchangers. Besides this, some correlations between the Nusselt number and friction factors are presented in this paper.
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汉语的词汇十分丰富,同样表示“最先”这个意义,除了“创始”、“先导”、“先驱”、“先端”外,另外还有不少的词语。例如: 1.滥觞:本谓江河发源之处水极浅小,仅能浮起酒杯。