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陕西中药资源丰富,素有“秦地无闲草”之誉。据初步统计全省约有中草药二千种以上。我省药学工作者在中药资源和质量研究方面,做了大量工作。一、中药资源的开发利用 1.中药资源的调查研究早在60年代,整理编纂的《陕西中药志》,即收载陕西产中药268种。70年代出版的《陕西中草药》收载陕西民间中草药已达576种。近来,有关单位正在重编《陕西中药志》,预计收载品种可达千余种。具有地方特色的《华山药物志》、《太白本草志》、《汉中中草药志》等亦在编写、出版当中。 2.新药源的发掘与研究①强壮、抗衰老药物近年,国内外对与人参亲缘关系较近的刺五加进行了系统、深入地研究。我省五加属资源十分丰富, Shaanxi is rich in traditional Chinese medicine resources and is known as the “Qindi free grass” reputation. According to preliminary statistics, there are more than 2,000 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines in the province. Pharmacists in our province have done a lot of work in the research on the resources and quality of Chinese medicine. I. Exploitation and Utilization of Chinese Medicinal Resources 1. As far back as the 1960s, research and research on Chinese medicinal resources was compiled and compiled into the “Shaanxi Herbal Medicine”, which included 268 kinds of Chinese herbal medicines produced in Shaanxi. The “Shaanxi Chinese Herbal Medicine” published in the 1970s included 576 kinds of Shaanxi folk herbal medicines. Recently, the relevant units are re-editing Shaanxi Herbal Medicine, and it is estimated that more than a thousand species can be collected. Local characteristics such as “Huashan Medicine Journal”, “Taibai Herbal History” and “Hanzhong Chinese Herbal Medicine” are also being written and published. 2. Excavation and research of new drug sources 1 Strong, anti-aging drugs In recent years, systematically and in-depth studies have been carried out on Acanthopanax, which is closely related to the genetic relationship of ginseng. The resources of the Canis genus in our province are very rich.
桔梗有紫花桔梗Platycodron grandiflor-um A.D.和白花桔梗P.grandiflorum A.D.var.album Hort.其主要活性物质是三萜皂式,此外尚含有生物碱、维生素、多糖、蛋白质等。关于
榧树(Torreya grandis Fort.)为我国特有树种,属红豆杉科(Taxaceae)。种子是-著名的干果。关于香榧的化学成分,尚未见前人报道。我们从香榧叶中分得三个结晶化合物。经鉴定其
山豆根系防己科植物蝙蝠葛(Menispesmum dauricum)的根茎。用于治疗咽喉肿痛、扁桃体炎、慢性支气管炎,并经药厂提取总生物碱制成山豆根片,用为治咽喉肿痛等症的消炎成药。1
应用薄层扫描法同时测定了板蓝根中靛玉红与靛蓝的含量。该方法简便、准确。可用于板蓝根药材的质量控制。 The content of indirubin and indigo in Radix Isatidis was de