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宫颈炎为妇科常见病、多发病,也是诱发宫颈癌的高危因素[1],宫颈癌病因复杂,多以亚临床型起病,检查方法繁杂。为改善女性生活质量,我院于2002~2004年对300例女性进行了体检,现将其宫颈检查结果分析如下。1临床资料1·1一般情况2002年7月1日~2004年10月21日在我院妇科普查的已婚 Cervicitis is a common gynecological disease, frequently-occurring disease is also a risk factor for cervical cancer [1], cervical cancer causes complex, mostly sub-clinical onset, check the method complicated. To improve the quality of life of women, our hospital from 2002 to 2004, 300 women conducted a physical examination, now its cervical results are as follows. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General situation July 1, 2002 ~ October 21, 2004 in our hospital gynecological census married
According to the principle of grain refining and slurry preparation by cooling sloping plate process, the distributions of boundary layers during melt treatment
A zeolite (ZFA) was synthesized from coal fly ash and then modified using hexadecyltrimethylammonium. The surfactant modified ZFA (SMZFA) was evaluated for its
例 1  2 5岁 ,社会性别女 ,无月经初潮 ,有下腹部周期性疼痛 ,无鼻衄 ,无周期性血尿史。出生时发现两侧阴唇内有两个小包块 ,渐长大 ,尿道口上方有一肿物 ,但生长较慢。来我
Troglitazone -induced inhibition of L -type calcium currents is augmented in streptozotocin -induced diabetic rat cardiac ventricular myocytes Troglitazone -in
为落实 2 0 0 0年基本消除碘缺乏病的政府目标 ,自 1996年起在全县范围内全面开展了盐碘监测、尿碘水平监测、人群碘缺乏病情况调查 ,现将结果报告如下 :1 对象与方法1.1 
西部旅游开发 ,一定要实施“政府主导型”的战略。由此 ,政府应在西部旅游开发过程中充分发挥以下作用 :(1)应将重点放在交通、通讯等基础设施建设上 ;(2 )政府通过制订财政