
来源 :语数外学习(高中语文教学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bqrxbqrx
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语文是最重要的交际工具,是人类文化的重要组成部分。随着课程教育改革的发展和推进,高中语文课程教学改革面临的要求也越来越多。如何让我们的语文课堂充满生机与活力,笔者在对语文教学现状进行分析的基础上,提出了几点具体的改革对策。一、现阶段高中语文教学过程中存在的主要问题(一)教学内容的改革没有很大的突破现阶段高中语文教学虽然在新课改的背景下发生了某些变化,但纵观近几年的语文课堂,我们不难发现,教师在进行具体课程教学的过程中,没有根据课程的具体内容以及学生的需求进行适时的调整,从而影响了整个课堂教 Language is the most important communication tool and an important part of human culture. With the development and advancement of the course education reform, there are more and more requirements for the teaching reform of the Chinese course in senior high schools. How to make our language class full of vigor and vitality, the author on the basis of the analysis of the status quo of Chinese teaching, put forward a few specific reform measures. I. Major Problems in Chinese Teaching in Senior High School at Present Stage (I) There is not a big breakthrough in the reform of teaching contents Although Chinese language teaching in senior high schools has undergone some changes in the background of the new curriculum reform, in the recent years It is not difficult for us to find out that the teacher did not make timely adjustment according to the specific content of the course and the needs of the students in the course of carrying out the specific course teaching and thus affected the entire classroom teaching
1 病历报告 患儿,女,3个月,因咳嗽、气喘7d,加重伴面色紫绀半小时入院。患儿系G_1P_1,足月阴道顺产,生后无窒息,Apgar评分1min内为9分。出生体重3200g,生后哭闹后时有口周及
巴基斯坦上月的大雨令盖杰河河水暴涨,达二百年来的最高水平, The heavy rain last month in Pakistan soared Gaige River soared to its highest level in 200 years,
王群琳教授女,1972年7月出生,四川遂宁人,农工党员。1 993年7月毕业于江西财经学院,获经济学学士学位。2002年6月于湖南大学金融学院获经济学硕士学位。2003年8月获得经济学