
来源 :中国石油和化工经济分析 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bn1984
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9月25~26日,以“中国石油和化学工业西部大开发的发展机遇”为主题的203(第四届)中国国际石油化工大会在古城西安隆重召开,中国石油和化学工业联合会会长李勇武、陕西省人民政府副省长李金柱、国家能源局副局长张玉清等领导出席大会并讲话,来自欧美、中东及亚洲近20个国家的百余位石化企业高层嘉宾和来自国内外石油化工生产、贸易、技术、工程、设备、咨询和其他配套服务企业的千余位代表出席了盛会,共同探讨能源化工产业在西部大开发中的市场前景与发展机遇。西部在召唤石化抓机遇李勇武会长在开幕式上的致辞中指出,从东部沿海来到西部古都,中国国际石油化工大会首次在中国内陆城市 From September 25 to September 26, the 203 (Fourth) China International Petrochemical Industry Conference with the theme of “Development Opportunities for the Great Development of Western Petroleum and Chemical Industry in China” was solemnly held in the ancient city of Xi’an. The China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation President Li Yongwu, Vice Governor of Shaanxi Provincial People’s Government Li Jinzhu, Deputy Director of National Energy Administration Zhang Yuqing and other leaders attended the conference and delivered speeches. More than 100 high-level guests from petrochemical enterprises from nearly 20 countries in Europe, the United States, the Middle East and Asia, Thousands of representatives from chemical production, trade, technology, engineering, equipment, consulting and other ancillary services attended the event to discuss market prospects and development opportunities for the energy and chemical industry in the western development. Western Calling for Opportunities in Petrochemical Industry President Li Yongwu pointed out in his speech at the opening ceremony that from the eastern coast to the ancient capital in the west, the China International Petroleum & Chemical General Assembly held its first inland cities in China
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