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一位一生曾写过无数诗篇,却从未发表过一篇诗作,被人默默遗忘的诗人,相隔数十年后,由他的学生张屏把其仅有的部分遗作,以《野草集》为名出版,他的名声才在诗歌界中鹊起,被人公认为一名革命诗人。他是谁?他叫张志宽,是广东省东莞篁村人。1928年,他在篁村小学念书时就受到以教师身份作掩护的共产党人李鹤年的革命思想的熏陶。“七·七”芦沟桥事变的前一年,他考入广州私立国民大学。他爱好文学,阅读过大量的进步文学书籍,思想倾向进步。抗日战争烽火燃起,他便积极投身抗日救亡运动,也许就在这一年加入了中国共产党。1938年,他由党派遣回到篁村小学任教,不久参加了东莞抗日模范壮丁队。这期间,他写了许多反映沦陷区社会生活和复杂地下斗争的诗,抒发了诗人对民族前途的忧悒,对侵略者的仇恨,对人民的热爱。他把这些诗在学生中秘密传阅,又由他们当作宣传品带到广太公路各村青年中去,借此传播革命思想,动员青年起来抗战。 A life has written countless poems, but never published a poem, was silently forgotten poet, separated by several decades, by his student Zhang Ping left the only part of his “weeds As the name of publication, his fame only in the poetic world, was recognized as a revolutionary poet. Who is he? His name is Zhang Zhi Kuan, a native of Dongguan, Guangdong Province. In 1928, when he was a student at Kosakura Elementary School, he was influenced by the revolutionary thinking of Li Hien-nien, a communist who protected him as a teacher. ”Seven seven " Lugouqiao incident the year before he was admitted to the private national university in Guangzhou. He loves literature, reads a lot of progressive literature books, and his thoughts tend to improve. After the war of resistance against Japan was set on fire, he actively joined the anti-Japanese national salvation movement and perhaps joined the Chinese Communist Party this year. In 1938, he was sent by the party to return to the village elementary school to teach, and soon participated in the Dongguan anti-Japan model team. During this period, he wrote many poems reflecting the social life in the enemy-occupied areas and complex underground struggles. He expressed his fears about the future of the nation, his hatred of the aggressors and his love for the people. He secretly circulated the poems among the students and took them as propaganda materials to the young people in the villages in the Canton-Taih Highway to disseminate the revolutionary ideas and mobilize the youth to fight the war of resistance.
AIM: To identify the pre-X region in hepatitis B virus (HBV) genome and to study the relationship between the genotype and the pre-X region. To investigate the
2013年7月19日,第十届“威凯杯”全国象棋冠军赛暨象棋一级棋士赛在中国棋院拉开帷幕。来自全国26个省、自治区、直辖市以及行业体协的96名运动员参加本次比赛,其中男子组69人,女子组27人。值得一提的是广东队时凤兰、陈幸琳,浙江队陈青婷、王晴,北京队刘欢五位女子象棋大师参战男子组,形成性别混战,也使比赛增色不少。  经过9轮的激烈角逐,男子组湖南队严俊以6胜3和积15分勇夺冠军,因胜率超过76%
旋毛虫感染后 ,会在小鼠肌肉内形成包囊。感染后不久的包囊含有嗜碱性细胞浆 ,而成熟后的包囊中主要是嗜酸性细胞浆。这两种细胞浆的转换在包囊形成的过程中是重复发生的。本
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