坚持说服教育 反对簡单粗暴

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对儿童簡单粗暴是社会主义的教育制度所不容許的,是社会主义学校的教师所不应該采取的。这本来是十分明确的道理。但是,簡单粗暴现象在实际工作中还没有完全克服。在某些人看来,簡单粗暴似乎还不失为一种教育儿童的“有效方法”,当他們看到“爱的教育”受到了批判,竟自居高明,以为自己过去的那一套还不錯。应該指出,这种想法是錯誤的。我們反对“爱的教育”,也要反对簡单粗暴,反对“爱的教育”决不意味着容許簡单粗暴。我們对儿童进行思想政治教育,必須采取说服教育的方法,把严格要求与耐心说服結合起来,决不能采取簡单粗暴的方法。毛主席教导我們:“凡属于思想性质的問题,凡属于人民內部的爭论問题,只能用民主的 What the children’s socialism school teachers should not take is not acceptable to children’s simple and harsh socialist educational systems. This has always been a very clear truth. However, simple and crude phenomena have not yet been completely overcome in practical work. To some people, simple and brutal seems to be an “effective method” for educating children. When they saw the “education of love” being criticized, they were self-contained and thought that their own past was good. It should be pointed out that this idea is wrong. We oppose “education for love” and we also have to oppose simple and brutalism. The opposition to “education of love” does not mean that we should allow simple and rough. When we conduct ideological and political education for children, we must adopt a method of persuading education, combining strict requirements with patient persuasion, and we must not adopt simple and crude methods. Chairman Mao taught us: "All questions that are of an ideological nature, those that belong to the people’s internal disputes, can only be democratic.
95例临床上表现为肾病综合征的患者,全部作肾脏活检,用光学和电子显微镜检查,分为6组(附表)。治疗采用糖皮质素(以强的松为代表)和硫唑嘌呤,效果如表。 Ninety-five patien
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回忆我学习《纪念白求恩》这篇文章有这么四次是带着问题学的,每次学习都得到不同的启示。第一次是在一九六○年。我在淮南师范毕业了,在 Memories of my study of “In Memor