体美艺科 硕果累累

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南汇县康桥镇中心小学以体育、艺术、科技教育为突破口,全面推进素质教育。学校遵循普及与提高相结合的原则,采用以面促点,以点带面的方法,广泛开展体育、艺术、科技教育活动,取得了丰硕的成果。该校的体育活动搞得红红火火,仅上海市农村体育课程教材改革现场会,就曾先后3次在该校召开。1998年和1999年该校还连续2次获得县小学体育运动会团体冠军,1999年被评为市群众体育先进集体。该校的艺术、科技教育初见成效,2年来,有13人次获全国等第奖,35人次获市等第奖,100多人次获县等第奖。 Nanhui County Kangqiao Town Central Primary School to sports, arts, science and technology as a breakthrough education, and comprehensively promote quality education. Following the principle of combining popularization with improvement, the school has adopted extensive measures to promote sports, art and science and technology and has achieved fruitful results by adopting the principle of “promoting development through point-to-area and point-to-area”. The school's sports activities are booming, only the Shanghai rural physical education teaching materials on-site reform, it has three times held in the school. In 1998 and 1999 the school also won two consecutive county primary school sports group champion, in 1999 was named the city's mass sports advanced collective. The school's arts, science and technology education achieved initial success. In the past two years, 13 people won the first prize in the country, 35 people won the first prize in the city, and more than 100 people won the first prize in the county.
As one of the most important and far-reaching focal points in people's lives,the Golden-Week holiday,is much more than a year 21-day vacation.How did the Golden
培养创新型人才是我国进入21世纪知识经济时代的一个至关重要的任务。本文从创新性人才的培养存在的问题,和如何培养创新性大学生等方面进行了初步的探索。 To Foster Innov