
来源 :石窟寺研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lihongde313
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当前以三维激光扫描技术和多基线数字近景摄影测量技术为代表的测绘科学新技术在文物保护和展示利用等方面得到了较为广泛的应用。本文介绍了大足石刻世界遗产地文物测绘与数字化的现状,并对测绘成果在文物保护、考古调查及数字化展示等方面的应用进行了分析,初步探讨了针对石窟寺及石刻类文物测绘信息化及其成果应用所面临的问题和挑战。 The current three-dimensional laser scanning technology and multi-baseline digital close-range photogrammetry technology represented by the new science and technology of surveying and mapping in the protection and utilization of cultural relics has been more widely used. This paper introduces the current situation of the mapping and digitization of the cultural relics in the Dazu Rock Carvings World Heritage Site. It also analyzes the application of the surveying and mapping achievements in cultural relic protection, archeological investigation and digital display. The paper also discusses the application of surveying and mapping of stone cave temples and stone carvings, The results of the application of the problems and challenges.
本文报道11例急性心肌梗塞患者病例,在舌下含用常规剂量硝酸甘油的前后,观察胸前多电极心电图 S-T 段标测的变化,探讨硝酸甘油对心肌梗塞缺血性损害的作用。 This paper re
针对土木工程管理的重要性进行论述。 Discuss the importance of civil engineering management.
公元404年,从东晋安帝手中篡位的桓玄在过了三个月的皇帝瘾后,被北府兵旧将刘裕(小名寄奴)赶出建康(今南京),逃往江陵(今荆州)。让人意想不到的是,在狼狈不堪的逃亡路上 In
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