第十六单元 文言虚词

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〔问疑解难〕 1、需要特别掌握哪几个虚词? 初中阶段着重要掌握的虚词计有:A、起替代作用的:其、之、何;B、起组合作用的:以、于、为;C,起连接作用的:而、则、乃;D、起语助作用的:也,乎、哉、焉等。 2、怎样确定虚词的具体意思? 首先是分清词性。如果词性不明,是难以理解它的意义作用的;要分清词性,就得掌握规律,如“其”,什么情况下作代词、什么情况下作助词等。其次是文中求义。属那一词类的虚词是有它的大致解释的,但要准确解释,还得从句中、上下文的关系去理解掌握。再如“其”字,作代词用一般解释为:他、它、我(们或的)和那(个、里)、其中的等:但要确切理解它代什么、单数或复数, (Ask difficult questions) 1, which need to grasp which of a number of virtual words? Junior high school stage important words to grasp the virtual words are: A, from the alternative role: its, its, what; B, from the combination of role: to, in, for ;C, from the connection role: and, then, is; D, the auxiliary function of the starting point: also, care, ignorance, ignorance and so on. 2, how to determine the specific meaning of virtual words? The first is to clarify the part of speech. If the part of speech is not clear, it is difficult to understand its meaning and role; to distinguish the part of speech, we must master the law, such as “its”, under what circumstances as pronouns, under what circumstances as the auxiliary word. Followed by the article seeking meaning. The functional words that belong to that word class have its general interpretation, but to be interpreted accurately, they must be understood and controlled from the context and context. Another example is the word “qi”. The general interpretation of pronouns is: he, it, me (they or), and that (in, in), among them, etc.: but to understand exactly what it is, singular or plural,
在数学问题的讨论和证明中,直角三角形中的定理的应用比较常见,应引起我们的注意。在初中代数第四册十五章有定义:在RtΔABC中则有sinB=b/c,cos B=a/c,现有如下的定理:在ΔA
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