
来源 :恩施州党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zaifasoftware
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国共两党在抗日战争中的抗战指导思想和路线的不同,直接决定了他们在抗日战争中的抗战行为和作用。也体现了两党不同的阶级立场和政治目标。国民党为了坚持其独裁统治,维护其大地主、大资产阶级的利益,施行片面抗战路线。而中国共产党代表广大人民利益,以民族利益、国家利益为重,实行依靠和发动全国军民参加的、全民族的全面抗战路线。在这两条不同路线的指导下,中国抗日战场上出现了两种不同的局面。从这两种不同的局面可以看出两党在抗日战争中的作用。恰逢抗日战争及世界反法西斯战争胜利60周年,我们在庆祝胜利的同时,反思历史、总结经验。如今社会上出现了一种错误的观点,即用国民党正面战场的作用来掩盖甚至否定共产党领导的人民军队的敌后战场的作用。本文就两党的抗战路线、纲领进行比较,说明中国共产党及其所领导的军队在抗日战争中作用和地位。 The different guiding ideologies and routes of the Anti-Japanese War between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party in the Anti-Japanese War directly decided their anti-Japanese actions and their role in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. It also reflects the different class positions and political goals of the two parties. In order to uphold its dictatorship and safeguard the interests of its big landlords and big bourgeoisie, the Kuomintang implemented one-sided line of resistance. The Chinese Communist Party, on behalf of the broad masses of the people, takes the interests of the nation and the country as its priority and implements the all-nation comprehensive anti-Japanese line that depends on and mobilizes all the people of the country to participate in the war. Guided by these two different routes, two different situations have emerged in China’s anti-Japanese war. From these two different situations, we can see the role of the two parties in the War of Resistance Against Japan. Coincides with the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War and the World Anti-Fascist War, we celebrated the victory while reflecting on history and summing up our experience. Now there is a wrong viewpoint in society that the role played by the KMT’s front battlefield is used to cover up or even negate the role of the people’s army under the leadership of the Communist Party in the enemy’s rear battlefield. This article compares the anti-Japanese war lines and programs between the two parties and illustrates the role and status of the Chinese Communist Party and the armed forces under its leadership in the War of Resistance Against Japan.
广州市文德路小学近年在素质教育中脱颖而出,来校参观交流的国内外来宾络绎不绝。 原国家教委副主任柳斌在视察文德路小学后说,看到学校优美的环境、良好的教育设施、素质优良
把广告做得漫天飞舞的刘存周却认为自己是十分低调的人,他坦言,入世后哈药总体上还是要缩水 Liu Cunzhou, who made his advertisement full of flying, thought he was a v
“管理阶层知道一点(公司法)的不到1%,懂得如何运行的不到1%。” “Managers know less than 1% of a point (company law) and know less than 1% how they run.”
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