Pegylated-interferon alpha 2a treatment for chronic hepatitis C in patients on chronic haemodialysis

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hopelesscpu
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AIM: To evaluate the response to pegylated-interferon alpha 2a in chronic hepatitis C patients on chronic haemodialysis. METHODS: Ten patients with chronic C hepatitis were enrolled in this study. All had increased aminotransferases for more than 6 mo, positive antiHCV antibodies and positive PCR HCV-RNA. We administrated Peg-Interferon alpha 2a 180μg/wk for 48 wk. After 12 wk of treatment we evaluated the biochemical and early virological response (EVR). At the end of the treatment we evaluated the biochemical response and 24 wk after the end of the treatment we evaluated the sustained virological response (SVR). We monitored the side-effects during the treatment. RESULTS: Two patients dropped out in the first 12 wk of treatment and 2 after the first 12 wk of treatment. After 12 wk of treatment, 7 out of 8 patients had biochemical response and EVR and 1 had biochemical response but persistent viremia. We had to reduce the dose of pegylated-interferon to 135μg/wk in 2 cases. Three out of 6 (50%) patients had SVR 24 wk after the end of the treatment. Intention-to-treat analysis showed that 3 out of 10 patients (30%) had SVR. Side-effects occurred in most of the patients (flu-like syndrome, thrombocytopenia or leucopoenia), but they did not impose the discontinuation of treatment. CONCLUSION: After 12 wk of treatment with Peg-Interferon alpha 2a (40 ku) in patients on chronic haemodialysis with chronic C hepatitis, EVR was obtained in 87.5% (7/8) of the cases. SVR was achieved in 50% of the cases (3/6 patients) that finished the 48 wk of treatment. AIM: To evaluate the response to pegylated-interferon alpha 2a in chronic hepatitis C patients on chronic haemodialysis. METHODS: Ten patients with chronic C hepatitis were enrolled in this study. All had increased aminotransferases for more than 6 mo, positive anti HCV antibodies and positive PCR for HCV-RNA. We administrated Peg-Interferon alpha 2a 180 μg / wk for 48 wk. After 12 wk of treatment we evaluated the biochemical and early virological response (EVR). At the end of the treatment we considered the biochemical response and 24 wk after the end of the treatment of the sustained virological response (SVR). We monitored the side-effects during the treatment. RESULTS: Two patients dropped out in the first 12 wk of treatment and 2 after the first 12 wk of treatment. After 12 wk of treatment, 7 out of 8 patients had biochemical response and EVR and 1 had biochemical response but persistent viremia. We had to reduce the dose of pegylated-interferon to 135 μg / wk in 2 cases. Three ou t of 6 (50%) patients had SVR 24 wk after the end of the treatment. Intention-to-treat analysis showed that 3 out of 10 patients (30%) had SVR. Side-effects occurred in most of the patients -like syndrome, thrombocytopenia or leucopoenia), but they did not impose the discontinuation of treatment. CONCLUSION: After 12 wk of treatment with Peg-Interferon alpha 2a (40 ku) in patients on chronic haemodialysis with chronic C hepatitis, EVR was obtained in 87.5% (7/8) of the cases. SVR was achieved in 50% of the cases (3/6 patients) that finished the 48 weeks.
进入高年级后,学生已经掌握了一些阅读的基本方法,阅读能力也进一步提高了,单篇教学已经无法真正契合学生内在的认知需要。因此,高年级的阅读教学应该摒弃传统教学始终围绕一篇课文教学的模式,应将更多相同文体、不同内容的文本引入到学生的认知视野中来,从而在统整、对比中提升阅读教学的效率。  一、感知内容,在统整中明确方向  苏教版教材以“主题单元”的方式呈现文本,同一单元中的几篇课文有着相同的内容指向或相近
第一课时给很多教师一种平淡无奇的感觉,他们认为真正的精彩都集中在第二课时,乃至第三课时。其实,这种认识是错误的,第二课时有第二课时的精彩,同样第一课时也应有第一课时的亮点。作为教师需要做的是結合年段、学期目标,要巧妙设计,放大亮点,既而生成第一课时的精彩。笔者结合实际,在尊重学生主体地位的基础上,重点就第一课时精彩生成浅析其策略,以供参考。  一、立足语文根本,诵读识字  在教学中,很多教师组织了
从事小学语文教学已近20载,习作教学一直是我的“软肋”。有的学生到了小学毕业还不能独立写出一篇语句流畅、主题明确的文章。该如何切实有效地提高作文教学的质量呢?近段时间,我陆续听了一些教师的习作课,感触颇深,并总结了他们的习作教学方法,主要有以下几个方面:  一、激发兴趣,让学生想写  俗话说:“兴趣是最好的老师。” 而我平时的教学,只是重复着陈旧的传统教学模式,应付着教学任务,思想上也没想过如何去