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[目的 /意义]针对大学生科研创新能力的发展现状及存在的主要问题,将科技查新训练引入大学专业课程教学中,培养具有科研创新能力的优秀人才。[方法 /过程]提出开展科技查新训练的教学实践方法,建立案例分析-选题-过程指导-考核-成果跟踪的训练模式。[结果 /结论]科技查新训练不仅增强了课程的实践性,丰富了教学内容,也拓宽了课程的内涵,激发了大学生的科研热情,该创新实践获得了师生认可,取得了明显成效,为高校大学生的科研创新能力培养提供一条途径。 [Purpose / Significance] In view of the current situation and existing problems of scientific research and innovation ability of undergraduates, the science and technology innovation training should be introduced into the teaching of specialized courses in colleges and universities so as to cultivate outstanding talents with scientific research and innovation abilities. [Methods / Processes] Put forward the teaching practice method to carry out the science and technology inquiry training, and set up the case analysis - the training pattern of the topic selection, process guidance, evaluation and achievement tracking. [Results / Conclusion] The science and technology inquiry training not only enhanced the practicality of the curriculum, enriched the teaching contents, broadened the connotation of the curriculum, stimulated the enthusiasm for scientific research of undergraduates, but also obtained the approval of teachers and students. It provides a way for university undergraduates to cultivate scientific research and innovation ability.
【目的】研究“中国科技期刊国际影响力提升计划”对受资助期刊中非SCIE期刊的影响,为各期刊顺利完成“提升计划”提供参考。【方法】利用Wo S和JCR获取相关数据,模拟计算出
◎2010年8月31日至9月1日,陕西省社科联第四次代表大会暨成立30周年庆典在陕西宾馆召开,我会新任秘书长刘金坪当选为陕西省社科联第四届委员会委员。 ◎ August 31, 2010 to
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落叶木莲(Manglietia decidua Q.Y.Zhang),隶属于木兰科木莲属,为落叶乔木,长成的大树高达30 m,胸径有60 cm,树干通直,树皮灰白色,具规则的裂纹,树冠宽卵形,枝条开展,小枝灰
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