Sclerosing cholangitis associated with autoimmune pancreatitis differs from primary sclerosing chola

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:libingyao2009
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AIM:To clarify the characteristic features of biliary le-sions in patients with autoimmune pancreatitis(AIP) and compare them with those of primary sclerosing cholangitis(PSC) .METHODS:The clinicopathological characteristics of 34 patients with sclerosing cholangitis(SC) associated with AIP were compared with those of 4 patients with PSC.RESULTS:SC with AIP occurred predominantly in el-derly men.Obstructive jaundice was the most frequent initial symptom in SC with AIP.Only SC patients with AIP had elevated serum IgG4 levels,and sclerosing diseases were more frequent in these patients.SC pa-tients with AIP responded well to steroid therapy.Seg-mental stenosis of the lower bile duct was observed only in SC patients with AIP,but a beaded and pruned-tree appearance was detected only in PSC patients.Dense infi ltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells was de-tected in the bile duct wall and the periportal area,as well as in the pancreas,of SC patients with AIP.CONCLUSION:SC with AIP is distinctly different from PSC.The two diseases can be discriminated based on cholangiopancreatographic findings and serum IgG4 levels. AIM: To clarify the characteristic features of biliary le-sions in patients with autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) and compare them with primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). METHODS: The clinicopathological characteristics of 34 patients with sclerosing cholangitis (SC) associated with AIP were compared with those of 4 patients with PSC.RESULTS: SC with AIP occurred predominantly in el-derly men. Obstective jaundice was the most frequent initial symptom in SC with AIP. Notlys SC patients with AIP had elevated serum IgG4 levels, and sclerosing diseases were more frequent in these patients. SC pa-tients with AIP responded well to steroid therapy. Segment-mental stenosis of the lower bile duct was observed only in SC patients with AIP, but a beaded and pruned-tree appearance was detected only in PSC patients. Dense infi ltration of IgG4-positive plasma cells was de-tected in the bile duct wall and the periportal area, as well as in the pancreas, of SC patients with AIP. CONCLUSION: SC with AIP is distinc tly different from PSC. The two diseases can be discriminated based on cholangiopancreatographic findings and serum IgG4 levels.
当你家的宝贝把你强制灌进去的感冒药一股脑儿全吐出来时,当顽劣的小家伙不达目的就躺在地上打滚时,当刚上幼儿园的他无论如何不肯上学时,或者身为妈妈的你一连说了三遍同样的话,小宝贝却视而不见时……你,有没有当场变得怒不可遏,对着宝贝大吼大叫,宝贝却吓得哭了起来,或者低着头进入长时间的默而不语。  内疚的安妮妈妈——雪莉  夜已经很深了,女儿安妮已经带着睡前故事进入梦乡了,妈妈雪莉却怎么也睡不着。她被刚才
去英国旅游的时候,住在了老公的朋友家。老公的朋友叫查理,他们曾经是中国公司的同事。查理和他的妻子凯瑟琳都非常友好,他们有一个7岁的儿子。小家伙一头金黄色的头发,活泼好动,会讲简单的中文。在朋友家的几天里,感受到了他们对孩子的另一种爱意,很值得我们深思。  到查理家的第一天,我们就发现英国人在教育孩子方面的不同。那天晚上,我们吃完饭,我主动帮凯瑟琳收拾家务。可查理夫妇及时制止了我,他们说这些事情不用
桑代克的学习论是直接从他自己以小鸡、猫、鱼、狗和猴子所做实验的结果中形成的。正是依据以猫为受试所做的实验,桑代克才把尝试与错误学习描述为一种基本的学习类型。 Th