Quasi-Steady Vibratory Motion Within an Inductively Heated Cylindrically-Shaped Liquid Volume

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:b1035846306
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The motion of an inductively heated fluid volume of cylindrical shape is assessed based on time dependent oscillatory components of the Lorentz force.The applications considered include vibratory motion in a channel induction furnace and vibratory motion in an electromagnetically excited direct chill casting.The governing equations for the resulting magnetoacoustic problem are presented with the acoustic field solutions expressed in terms of normal modes.Closed form expressions are developed for the velocity,pressure and phase relationships between the excitation and the response.Calculations are prescribed for the pressure in both the channel furnace and the direct chill casting,with the calculational results from the casting application suggesting that,roughly,a two-fold increase in the effective peak acoustic pressure can be achieved by superimposing on the AC electromagnetic field a DC magnetic field of strength sufficient to match the peak alternating magnetic field.A procedure is also outlined for developing field descriptions of the velocity and pressure which can be effected in a MATLAB environ. The motion of an inductively heated fluid volume of cylindrical shape is assessed based on time dependent dependent oscillating components of the Lorentz force. The applications include vibratory motion in a channel induction furnace and vibratory motion in an electromagnetically excited direct chill casting. Governing the equations for the resulting magnetoacoustic problem are presented with the acoustic field solutions expressed in terms of normal modes.Closed form expressions are developed for the velocity, pressure and phase relationships between the excitation and the response. Calculations are prescribed for the pressure in both the channel furnace and the direct chill casting, with the calculational results from the casting application suggesting that, roughly, a two-fold increase in the effective peak acoustic pressure can be achieved by superimposing on the AC electromagnetic field a DC magnetic field of strength sufficient to match the peak alternating magnetic field.A procedure is also outlined for developing field descriptions of the velocity and pressure which can be effected in a MATLAB environ.
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