
来源 :山西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyc20008
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根据国务院(56)国五办习字第57号转发财政部“关于1956年国营企业超计划利润分成和使用的规定”的精神,结合我省地方国营企业具体情况,特制定如下规定:一、地方国营企业超计划利润分成的计算,以各级主管企业部门为单位。各级主管部门是指按财务实行分级管理以后的各主管企业部门,如省工业厅,市、县工业局(科)。未实行分级管理或虽有管理机构但财务关系仍由省主管部门集中管理者,超计划利润分成均以省主管部门为计算单位。 In accordance with the spirit of the Ministry of Finance of the State Council (No. 56) Practice No. 57 of the State Council and the Provisions on the Share and Use of Profits by State-owned Enterprises in 1956, in combination with the specific conditions of local state-owned enterprises in our province, the following provisions are formulated: , The calculation of the super-planned profit sharing by the local state-owned enterprises shall be conducted by the competent enterprise departments at all levels. The competent departments at all levels refer to the competent enterprise departments after the grading of financial management, such as the provincial industrial department, the municipal and county industrial bureaus (sections). Not implemented at different levels of management or management agencies, but the financial relationship is still centrally managed by the provincial department in charge, the ultra-plan profits are divided into provincial departments in charge of computing units.
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为了貫彻全国一盤棋的方針,保証实現1959年財政預算,对当前預算管理工作,作如下几項規定: (1)关于預算管理的权限:在收入方面,省分配的各項收入指标,各級必須認真負責組織征
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阅读教学是高中语文教学中的重要组成部分,但由于高考的压力和教学观念的陈旧单一让学生不能提起阅读兴趣,从而导致效率低下。本文从激发学生兴趣,转变教学观念和培养学生阅读技巧三个方面入手深入探讨如何促进语文阅读教学,以达到诗意的教学、画意的阅读,不当之处,请方家教正。  一、激发学生兴趣,进行诗意教学  兴趣是最好的老师。对于一门学科或者是一门学科中的某一项学习内容,只有让学生对此产生兴趣,才能够更好地
目的 探讨广西HCV高危人群庚型肝炎病毒 (HGV)的感染情况及其新基因型的核苷酸序列。方法 静脉药瘾者 (IVDAs) 85份、肝病患者 (PLDs) 80份和献血员 (BDs) 5 0份血清标本 ,
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.