
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingjk3883085
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Previous Western studies showed a consistent and marked reduction in health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in patients chronically infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). However, these studies were conducted on patients whose knowledge of their serological status may have affected their HRQOL. This HRQOL survey conducted in the Egyptian rural population provides a unique opportunity to clarify this issue among a population whose serological status is unknown. HRQOL was assessed by an Arabic translation of the Short-Form 12, and a visual analog scale of the relative severity of one’s health status. HCV chronic infection was defined by positive tests for anti-HCV antibody and HCV-RNA. HRQOL was compared according to HCV chronic infection status in linear mixed models adjusted for potential confounding factors, such as age, sex, education, and health care-related risk factors, and adjusted for interviewer as a random effect. One hundred forty-six Egyptians chronically infected with HCV had similar Short-Form 12 and visual analog scale scores, compared with 1,140 uninfected controls from the same rural community. In individuals chronically infected with HCV, serum aminotransferase levels did not correlate with HRQOL. In conclusion, this study did not find a significant reduction of HRQOL in patients chronically infected with HCV compared with uninfected, contemporaneous controls. This may be explained in part by a lower morbidity amongst patients chronically infected with HCV in rural Egypt and a higher morbidity amongst uninfected controls as compared with those of Western studies, as well as a lack of awareness of hepatitis C serological status. Previous Western studies showed a consistent and marked reduction in health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in patients chronically infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV). However, these studies were conducted on patients whose knowledge of their serological status may have their their HRQOL . This HRQOL survey conducted in the Egyptian rural population provides a unique opportunity to clarify this issue among a population whose serological status is unknown. HRQOL was assessed by an Arabic translation of the Short-Form 12, and a visual analog scale of the relative severity of one’s health status. HCV chronic infection was defined by positive tests for anti-HCV antibody and HCV-RNA. HRQOL was compared according to HCV chronic infection status in linear mixed models adjusted for potential confounding factors, such as age, sex, education, and health care-related risk factors, and adjusted for interviewer as a random effect. One hundred forty-six Egyptians chronically infected with HCV had similar Short-Form 12 and visual analog scale scores, compared with 1,140 uninfected controls from the same rural community. In individuals chronically infected with HCV, serum aminotransferase levels did not correlate with HRQOL. In conclusion, this study did not find a significant reduction of HRQOL in patients chronically infected with HCV compared with uninfected, contemporaneous controls. This may be explained in part by a lower morbidity amongst patients chronically infected with HCV in rural Egypt and a higher morbidity amongst uninfected controls as compared with those of Western studies, as well as a lack of awareness of hepatitis C serological status.
对文[1]中的离散型非线性蛛网模型的运行性态作了研究。通过对该模型最佳运行状态及其稳定性分析,论述了该系统存在倍周期现象和混沌现象的可能性 The behavior of the discrete
AIM: To better understand the clinical significance of hepatitis B seroiogic markers in babies born to hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positive mothers, the
1.为什么吃鸡蛋的蛋黄时容易噎到?  答:鸡蛋蛋白表面光滑,吃在嘴里与口腔的摩擦力较小,所以很容易下肚;而蛋黄表面粗糙且易碎成很小的颗粒,与口腔表面的摩擦力较大,所以常会噎在食管处不易咽下。因此,吃蛋黄时一定要喝点水进行润滑以防噎着。  2.井水为何冬暖夏凉?  答:人们对温度的感觉是相对于同一时刻地面上的温度来说的,炎热的夏天,地球表面受太阳的照射和气流的影响,温度升高很快,而地下的泥土只能通过
天才的童年  钱永健1952年出生于纽约,他的父亲钱学榘与钱学森是堂兄弟,两个人均毕业于上海交通大学,并赴美国留学。钱永健生活在一个工程师辈出的家族,父亲是波音公司的机械工程师,舅舅们则在麻省理工学院当工程学教授。他常说他自己做的也是工程学——分子层面的工程学,并且开玩笑地说:“我干这个纯粹是遗传。”  与很多获得“炸药奖”的科学家一样,钱永健从小就喜欢摆弄瓶瓶罐罐。起初是因为他深受哮喘困扰,不能