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要加强国防建设,必须使我们的军队变成一支现代化的国防军,要使我们的军队变成强大的现代化国防军,就必须发展和壮大人民的空军和人民的海陆军。要发展和壮大人民的陆海空军,除了保持人民解放军的优良传统,严格的战斗纪律等外,还必须掌握科学的技术,使陆海空军在紧密的配合,以击败美帝国主义。在战争中,尤其是在现代的战争中,天气对战争的影响是一个重要的因素,当进行战斗的时候,天气可以帮助取得胜利,同时可以加重战斗的困难。尤其在军事技术发展,新武器层出不穷的今天,利川气象情报,配合战斗,是非常重要的事。这些情报,是需要人民的气象战士来供给的。现在让我们来谈谈气象对于陆海空军的影响。 To strengthen national defense construction, we must turn our army into a modernized national defense force. To make our armed forces a powerful modernized national defense force, we must develop and expand the people’s air force and the people’s land and sea forces. To develop and expand the land, air, and air forces of the people, in addition to maintaining the fine traditions of the People’s Liberation Army and strict combat disciplines, we must also master scientific technology so that the air, sea, and air forces can cooperate closely to defeat US imperialism. In the war, especially in modern warfare, the influence of the weather on the war is an important factor. When fighting, the weather can help to win, and at the same time it can increase the difficulty of fighting. Especially in the development of military technology and the emergence of new weapons, Icheon’s meteorological information and combat are very important. This information is needed by the people’s meteorological fighter. Let us now talk about the impact of weather on the air, sea and land.
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目前,青少年的課外数学讀物总的情况是:数量太少,質量不高。时常遇到这样的場面: “×老师,請給我介紹一本数学讀物吧!”同学們热情的問。“………!”老师被問住了。的确,要