
来源 :山西老年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sinosteelpower
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在局外人看来,邮政系统是一个旱涝保收的好单位,起码不会有很大的生存危机。这种印象多半来自计划经济时代。在改革大潮汹涌澎湃的今天,特别是1999年1月1日邮政、电信分营后,邮政系统就背上了巨大的亏损包袱,举步艰难。这种状况,从离退休干部对两个单位的选择上,也可见一斑。 山西省邮电管理局一分为二时,局级老干部大部分选择了省电信公司,只有少数老干部选择了省邮政局。记者在该局采访时,正巧遇到了分在邮政局的原省邮电管理局副局长李培。他热情地向记者谈了自己两年来的感受: “邮电分家后,我们邮政可说是一穷二白。但不到两年时间,我们就开展了网球、门球、乒乓球、健身球、太极拳、太极扇、麻将等各项体育活 In the eyes of outsiders, the postal system is a good unit for flood and drought protection, at least there will be no big survival crisis. Most of this impression comes from the planned economy. At the surging tide of reform today, especially on January 1, 1999 after the postal and telecommunication sub-businesses, the postal system lays a huge burden of loss and takes a difficult step. This situation is also evident in the selection of two units by retired cadres. Shanxi Province, the postal administration divided into two, most bureau-level veterans chose the provincial telecommunications company, only a few veterans chose the provincial post office. In an interview with the bureau, the reporter happened to encounter Li Pei, deputy director of the provincial post and telecommunications administration bureau at the post office. He spoke passionately to reporters about his feelings over the past two years: "After the separation of posts and telecommunications, we can say that the postal service is poor and bad, but in less than two years, we have started tennis, croquet, table tennis, fitness ball, Tai Chi , Tai Chi fan, mahjong and other sports live
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