Quasi-fluid State in Solid and Cu-Zn-Al Alloy Nanotube

来源 :材料热处理学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:littlev19
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When observing the Cu-Zn-Al alloy, which has been treated in mixed acid and etching reagent in normal temperature and pressure, a nanotube in novel structure and shape is found. It is a single-wall nanotube with smooth surface, on which there is basically no absorbate. It is verified through transmission electron microscope (TEM) that the dislocation lines are observed on the nanotube. Structural analysis reveals that the mechanics of nanotube generation is in relation to “quasi-fluid state” that exists in the alloy. The solid “quasi-fluid state” is the research result of Mr. Gao and his colleagues over ten years. It is a new material that exists besides gas, liquid, solid, and liquid crystal. It has a single-wall nanotube with smooth surface, on which there It is verified that the dislocation lines are observed in the nanotube. Structural analysis reveals that the mechanics of nanotube generation is in relation to “quasi-fluid state” that exists in the alloy. The solid “quasi-fluid state” is the research result of Mr. Gao and his colleagues over ten years. It is a new material that exists besides gas, liquid, solid, and liquid crystal.
1992年2月lO日,锦西市某军工厂两台20t/h燃油锅炉在8小时内相继发生烟道与炉膛爆炸,造成全厂停产停暖,烧伤一人,直接经济损失110万元。 1 事故经过 2月10日下午3时30分,因上
A pseudo-ternary alloy system was constructed by combining an icosahedral quasicrystal (IQC), a decagonal quasicrystal (DQC), and Zr into one alloy system. Dif