Thematic Progression Patterns in Argumentative Writing

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  【Abstract】This paper will take an example of one model essay of IELTS to analyze thematic progression patterns in argument writing. It will contribute to improve coherence and enhance readability of argumentative writing of Chinese students.
  【Key words】Thematic Progression; Argumentative Writing; Coherence and cohesion
  I. Introduction
  Argumentative writing is an important element in CET-4/6 or IELTS, which practices abilities to think logically and critically. Researches show that there exists in problems of lacking in cohesion and coherence in English writing of domestic students. (Hong, 2011) Studies on the thematic progression pattern explain the relationship between sentences and make the coherence of the text. Therefore, this paper will analyze TP patterns in one model essay of IELTS (Shen, 2015)and explore the relationship between them and the textual structure. Our finding contributes to improve the writing skills of students.
  II. Analysis of themes
  Danes (1974) put forward 3 basis TP patterns including constant theme progression, linear progression and derived theme progression. Different types of patterns correlate to different expressive effects. In the first paragraph, the author mainly applies the constant progression, where the theme of the first clause becomes the theme of subscequent clauses. For example:
  Unit (b) that new technologies (T1) have had an influence on communication between people.(R1)Unit (c) Technology (T1) has affected relationships in various ways, (R2)Unit (d) and in my opinion (T2) there are both positive and negative effects.(R3)
  The theme of Unit b is the theme of Unit c, which implies “Technology” is the theme of the whole passage. R1 and R2 state that technology has influences on interpersonal relationships in the society. R3 states that the influences are both positive and negative. In argumentative writing, constant theme progression indicates the general topic clearly, which is commonly used at the beginning.
  In the second paragraph, the author applies the derived theme progression and the linear theme progression. The derived theme progression refers that particular themes are derived from a “hyper theme”. For example:
  Unit (a)Technology (T1) has had an impact on relationships in business, education and social life. (R1) Unit (b)Firstly, telephones and the Internet (T2) Unit (c)Secondly, services like Skype (T3) Unit (e)Finally, many people (T5) use social networks, like Facebook..., Unit (f) and they (T6) interact through their computers....   Unit(b), Unit (c), Unit (e), Unit (f) all reflect the content of Unit (a). Although T2 is different from T3, both of them are hyponyms of T1. Telephone, social network and computer are technological applications. Readers transform from one aspect to another aspect naturally because they are related to each other closely. In argumentative writing, a topic sentence with derived clauses makes the structure symmetric and the theme more credible.
  Besides, linear theme progression refers that the rheme of the first clause becomes the theme of a subscequent sentence. For example:
  Unit(c)... create new possibilities for relationships between students and teachers. (R3)——Unit (d)For example, a student (T4)...
  R3=T4 The “students” in unit(c) refers to “a student” in unit(d). Clearly, unit(d) further explains unit(c). The continuation improves the development of plots and enriches the textual content. Besides, T5 is the same as T6, which proves the topic from the perspective of human in normal life. In argumentative writing, the linear progression does good to show the topic progressively and hierarchically.
  III. Conclusion
  In this text, the author mainly uses the derived progression and the constant progression, which are also widely used in other argumentative discourses. Students can apply the two patterns to construct a clear structure and enhance the credibility. Meanwhile, the usage of the linear progression proves the topic deeply.
  [1]Danes,F,(1974)Functional Sentence.Perspective on the Organization of Text.Papers on Functional Sentence Perspective,Prague:Academia,pp.106-128.
  [2]Hong,F,P.(2011)Discussion on cohesion in English Argumentative Writing of Non-English Major College Students.Charming China,42.
【摘要】写作教学是英语教学的重要组成部分,主要培养学生写作能力和写作技巧。语法石化现象,是学生写作普遍存在的语言现象,不仅影响学生写作质量,还影响学生写作能力培养。现阶段,如何避免学生英语写作中的语法石化现象,已经成为高职英语教师急需解决的问题。本文主要研究高职学生英语写作中的语法石化现象及其教学意义,希望给高职英语教师提供借鉴经验,以此提高高职英语写作教学质量。  【关键词】高职学生;英语写作;
【摘要】针对目前中小学教师在“教学评一致性”的实践探索方面研究较少,本文根据课堂实践总结并提出:在小学低年级英语课堂中,从“教学评一致性”角度出发,构建适合小学低年级英语课堂的评价方式——“资源化的课堂评价”,以使评价、学生的学和教师的教形成良性的互动和互助关系,共同促进学生的学习。  【关键词】小学英语;教学评一致性;课堂评价;资源化的课堂评价  【作者简介】曾翠丽,天津外国语大学附属滨海外国语
【摘要】随着科学技术的发展和进步,我国互联网进入到一个高速发展的阶段,在人们普遍拥有智能手机的时候,也为教学提供了诸多的便利。作为一种全新的教学形式,教师应该充分意识到翻转課堂信息化和生活化的特点,逐渐去培养学生的创新、创造能力,促进他们的个性化发展。本文基于互联网 背景,首先简要地介绍了翻转课堂在初中英语教学中的体现形式,然后重点提出了一些实践策略,以期为英语教师教学提供一定的参考。  【关键词
【摘要】将课程思政理念与专业课程相融合是实现习近平总书记强调的“立德树人”教育目标的关键举措,也是高校培养符合新时代要求的大学生的有效途径。本文以英语专业学科基础课程《综合英语》为例,在对其教学内容、课程思政元素的融入点进行挖掘的基础上,探索如何发挥专业课程的思政价值,对英语专业大学生的价值取向起到渗透和引导作用。  【关键词】综合英语;课程思政;现代大学英语精读  【作者简介】黄滟(1986-)
【摘要】在核心素养视角下,小学英语教学问题存在一定的局限性,各类问题都受到教师的重视,英语教学改革面临着前所未有的挑战。小学英语教师应该以积极的心态面对小学英语教学中存在的问题,借助新课程改革,通过一系列改革举措,提升学生的英语学科核心素养。  【关键词】小学英语教学;核心素养;对策  新课程标准明确提出要提升小学生的英语学科核心素养,在语言基本功建立的基础上,培养学生的学习热情,让学生养成良好的
【摘要】本文基于学生自主学习能力培养的多元化诉求,分析自主学习体现出来的全程参与、主动参与、乐于参与和有效参与等特征,提出高中英语教学中学生自主学习能力培养的策略:创设自主学习情境,激活学生兴趣;巧妙借助学习载体,落实培养任务;不断优化教学方法,搭建自主学习支架;构建先学后教模式,提供自主学习支持等。  【关键词】英语;自主学习;策略  【作者简介】张晓宇(1984-),通榆县蒙古族学校,一级教师
【摘要】初中阶段是学生学习英语的重要阶段,听力是英语学习中的重要内容,是学生英语综合能力的重要组成部分。初中学生已经有了一定的英语基础,在这种情况下根据听力学习策略训练的理论,结合新课标对于初中英语听力的要求对学生进行有针对性的英语听力教学训练,希望通过这样的方法能够有效促进初中英语听力教学的发展,提高学生的英语综合能力。  【关键词】初中英语听力教学;学习策略训练;行动研究  引言  在初中英语
【摘要】如果把英语比喻成一座富丽堂皇的高楼,那么词汇就是构成这座高楼转弯。作为中职英语教学中的重要内容,词汇教学的有效性将直接影响学生英语水平的提升。为此,笔者将立足于自身的教学经验,对中职英语词汇教学的有效方法进行浅析,以期能给其他中职英语教师同行带来参考,从而能推动中职英语教学的进步与发展,继而能为学生英语水平的提升提供更多助力。  【关键词】中职英语;词汇教学;有效方法  【作者简介】朱红艳
【摘要】随着以生为本教育理念日益深入人心,学生的课堂主体地位愈来愈受教师的重视。基于此,作为一名小学英语教师,要及时更新自身的教学思想,为学生设计新颖的教学方案,以有效的教学策略激发学生的课堂参与度,使学生以能动的学习态度融入充满趣味的小学英语课堂,从而帮助学生汲取英语知识与技能,打造精彩的小学英语课堂,提高学生的英语素养,为发展学生的综合素质增添力量。  【关键词】小学英语;课堂教学;参与度