
来源 :新课程导学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dingwenpeng
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在新课改实践中,我们推出了许多以人为本的课堂教学组织形式,如“晚会式”、“答问式”等,构建民主的、交流的、开放性的课堂,在数学教学中,最迫切和重要的是教学方式的转变。然而当前初中数学教学中确也存在了不少问题:如有不少教师教学方法陈旧、教学模式单一,采取以讲为主的简单的教学方法。学生的主体地位没有得到应有的体现,重知识灌输、轻能力培养的倾向比较严重。那么怎样改变教师对课堂的垄断地位呢?数学教学中怎样“设疑”才 In the new curriculum reform practice, we have introduced many people-oriented classroom teaching organizational forms, such as “party”, “answer type”, etc., to build a democratic, interactive, open classroom in mathematics teaching. Among the most urgent and important ones are the changes in teaching methods. However, there are also many problems in junior middle school mathematics teaching. For example, if there are many teachers with outdated teaching methods and a single teaching model, they will adopt a simple teaching method that focuses on teaching. The student’s dominant position has not been properly reflected, and the emphasis on knowledge indoctrination and light ability training has become more serious. How do we change the monopoly position of teachers in the classroom? How to set doubts in mathematics teaching?
就目前高中数学教育的状况而言,应充分调动学生活用数学的积极性,将知识转化为技能。本文结合现行教育目标,对于数学应用题教学提出几点建议。 As far as the current situa
当今中学生正处在一个信息化、 数字化和网络化的传媒时代,他们的学习、品德、价值观等都受到了很大的影响.如何利用思想品德课教会学生搜集、处理、运用信息,提高学生的媒介
该文主要研究微分算子理论在基本超几何级数研究中的应用,包含了以下三个方面的内容: ●对称算子在分拆分析中的应用 ●微分算子和展开公式在基本超几何级数理论中的应用
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