The interactions and stabilty boundary of microemulsion droplets

来源 :第十七届全国化学热力学和热分析学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanshilong111
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  The knowledge of the interactions and the stability boundaries of microemulsion droplets is important not only for explanation of the phase behaviors of those complex fluids but also for various applications,such as drug carriers,cosmetic materials,and microreactors.These interactions are generally thought to be attractive resulted mainly from the mutual interpenetration of the surfactant tails and described by a simple attractive square-well potential model,while the investigation of the stability boundary requires measurements of some properties of microemulsions in an extremely diluted concentration region.We proposed experimental designs for measurements of the real dilution heat of the microemulsion droplets by isothermal titration microcalorimetry(ITC)and the critical microemulsion concentration of the droplets by vibrating-tube densimetry.By using these methods,we investigated the dilution enthalpies and the apparent specific volumes of the droplets for a series of water/AOT/oil microemulsions with various oils and molar ratios R of water to AOT.It was found that the solvents appear to play important roles in varying the droplet interactions from the positive to the negative,which reveals the importance of the entropy contribution for the stability of the microemulsion systems.A thermodynamic model was proposed to analysis the apparent specific volume data,which confirms maximum value of R being about 65 for the stable AOT/water/isooctane microemulsion system.Keywords: interaction of microemulsion droplets; dilution enthalpy; stability boundary; critical microemulsion concentration,apparent specific volume.
摘 要:本文是笔者于2015年11月至12月在德国考察期间进行的调研报告。本文尝试通过描述德国几大艺术名校的赖以生存的文化土壤,阐釋德国艺术教育的成功之处得益于丰富的立体主义的历史脉络和新兴的前卫教育探索。这种教育的态度和方式给我们启发:一方面在国内的艺术教学中,我们如何打破高校的院墙,导入社会的鲜活资源和时讯;另一方面在课堂的教学中调动学生积极性,并加以引导。本文尝试用一种还原生态的写作方法梳理
A novel method,monoclonal surface display SELEX(MSD-SELEX),has been designed for simple,rapid,efficient,and cost-effective enrichment and identification of apta
小麦Avenin-like蛋白的突出特点是富含半胱氨酸残基(18个或19个),推测其中部分半胱氨酸残基可参与形成分子间二硫键,进而作用于小麦面粉的加工品质。课题组前期研究已证实Avenin-like b蛋白对小麦的加工品质具有显著的正向效应,但其作用机理尚未揭示清楚。深入探究Avenin-like b蛋白影响小麦加工品质的作用机理具有重要的理论与实际意义。小麦Avenin-like b蛋白在N-和