Complementary use of a 3D virtual learning environment and an asynchronous online discussion platfor

来源 :第6届全球华人探究学习创新应用大会(GCCIL2015) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanhe1000
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  Critical thinking(CT)is an important objective in education worldwide and ones' CT performance mainly depends on their cognitive dimensions of CT and affective dimensions of critical thinking(ADCT).Regardless the importance of ADCT,this paper of literature review and instructional design finds that,the research and development of ADCT are rudimentary.This literature review tries to contribute to this issue by 1)Identifying three important natures of ADCT,namely sensitivity,motivation and habits of mind towards CT(altogether called Key ADCT);2)Proposing various stages of developing ADCT for instructional intervention.Taking advantages of complementary features of a three dimension virtual learning environment and an asynchronous online discussion platform as well as their theoretical possibilities of facilitating individuals' CT development,a proposed instructional intervention for developing students' Key ADCT is suggested to be implemented in these platforms.All these suggestions form the foundation of a pilot study to be conducted in the near future.
  The article aims to analyze the effectiveness of using computing devices and cloud computing technology in Education,and in particular the teaching of Liber
  本研究發展一套結合平板輔助STEM 專題導向式教學活動,以台北市某國民中學九年級(14~15 歲)共62 名學生為研究對象,透過在專題活動中主動探究,以提升學習成效。結果顯示,學生
  随着科学技术的发展,移动通信已渐渐成为人们生活学习中不可或缺的部分,近年来,移动学习更是成为教育技术的研究热点之一。本文主要提出基于Android 系统的微课程平台设计方