Block-based Programming Behavior Modelling with Block Categories Sequences Analytics

来源 :第22届全球华人计算机教育应用大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kabasiji2
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  Block-based programming languages like Scratch,Alice and Snap are increasingly popular in novice programming education.They allow novices compose program to implement interesting artifacts without struggling with complicated syntax.However,few researches provide insight into how novices do and where they get stuck during programming process.To this end,students programming characteristics and their block category transition from an assignment process are explored in this work.A statistic distribution analysis was first given to investigate which and how many block categories are used in this assignment.Furthermore,we made cluster analysis on the frequency of block category transitions to find the transition pattern.Based on this,the lag sequential analysis were used to contrast and analyze the block category transition pattern among clusters.Our results show that 1)although the system embeds the hint function,not all students are willing to use it,2)the difference of students programming style and challenge can be found from their block category transitions.
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摘要:关于学术英语教学有很多探索和研究。本研究以翻转课堂教学理念为指导,将QQ作为移动教学平台与多媒体教室混合,通过两种信息通道,设计出以教师主导,学生为中心的课前,课中和课后教学模式。无论教学效果,还是学习效果,混合教学模式都要优于单一手段的英语课堂教学和灌输式学习方式。  关键词:混合学习;翻转课堂;学术英语;QQ移动平台  1.引言  学术英语(EAP)是以“应用”为目的的语言教学。该课程是