Profitability Analysis of Booth Based on Topological Spatial Form——A Case Study on Xinmin Market

来源 :丝路起点的新思路:为人的城乡:第十四届环境行为研究国际会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhuxu19860802
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Although the rapid development of e-commerce and the steady implementation of the work of "agricultural reform and upgrading" have made the traditional market suffer increasingly severe impact in terms of business capacity in recent years,it is still one of the places closely related to citizens’ life in the city.Different from commercial complexes and life supermarkets with fixed brands and business models,as a product of self-organization model under the action of economic behavior,the distribution of the internal space booth in the market more depends on people’s activities in the space,so it can be used as an ideal sample to study the relationship between space morphology and booth profitability.Most of the existing studies on commercial interior space ignored the management operators,however,for a commercial building,in addition to the internal reform to improve the quality of consumers shopping environment to attract enough traffic outside,considering the impact of changes in the spatial layout on the profitability of the internal booths and shops is more important.In addition,the existing studies on commerce in the space syntax field are mostly based on the number of commercial distribution or store reviews,while the studies on the real profit of commerce are few.This study select Xinmin market as the research object by combining the geographical location of the market and its internal functional formats,and quantitatively analyzed the relationship between the profit of the booth and the spatial topology by means of video data and field research.It mainly includes the following two aspects:first,based on the regression analysis of two sets of data,transaction and inquiry times of each booth,as well as spatial syntactic parameters and other parameters,it explores the spatial distribution logic of the booth with high "patronage";Secondly,through the regression analysis of two sets of data and space syntactic parameters,net inquiry times and turnover rate of each booth,the general law between booth profit and space morphology is explored.In addition,the author also makes an in-depth analysis of the specific formats(vegetable and fruit booths) at different positions in the space,trying to reveal the differences in the profitability and patronage of different formats affected by the spatial form.After the exploration,this study has drawn the following conclusions:First of all,in terms of the internal space of the market,the degree of "patronizing" the booth is related to its topological spatial form,whether the format is differentiated or not.In addition,the influence of topological spatial morphology is greater than that of metric and angular step depth attenuation in terms of transaction times and inquiries.Secondly,compared with the number of inquiries,the number of booth transactions has a greater correlation with the topological spatial form,but the correlation coefficient difference between the two is not significant.Thirdly,from the pers
相变纳米流体作为空调蓄冷工质可以改善传统工质过冷度大,蓄冷时间长等问题,从而达到节能目的。本文研究了水基碳纳米管(Carbon Nanotube,CNT)相变蓄冷工质的凝固特性。将Fe3O4包覆于MWCNT表面改善其亲水性,能够提高CNT蓄冷工质的分散稳定性。结果表明,CNT作为成核基底将促进成核,从而降低过冷度,其较高的导热系数缩短了相变凝固时间。与纯水相比过冷度降低了48.9%,晶核出现时间缩