Utilizing multiple methods in mathematics problem solving:Contrasts and commonalities between two Ca

来源 :The Fifth Annual International Conferenceon Reciprocal Learn | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yueyangmm22
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  Mathematics has been described as a "fundamental human endeavour that empowers individuals to describe,analyse,and understand the world we live in"(Expert Panel on Student Success in Mathematics in Ontario,2004,p.9).Dwelling on the specific field of problem solving in mathematics,the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement(IEA)stated in its 2012 report that,"… mathematics problem solving builds logical reasoning skills that can be applied in many situations"(Arora,Foy,Martin,& Mullis,2012,p.25).It has been opined in research literature that the acquisition of problem-solving skills is largely dependent on a set of inter-related factors including the learners cultural background,mathematical knowledge,and prior experiences; and the teachers mathematics content knowledge,skills,and confidence(Ezeife,2016; Ontario Ministry of Education,2003).With problem solving as the theme,this study investigated if,and to what extent,elementary school students were taught to use multiple methods in solving mathematics problems.The study was conducted in a cross-cultural setting involving two elementary schools in Canada,and China.Research data were collected from the two Sister Schools in the Canada-China Reciprocal Learning Project(Connelly & Xu,2014).Data emerged through direct and indirect interactions between the two schools,including Skype meetings and inter-school visits among Canadian/Chinese teachers,researchers,and administrators.Data coding techniques based on grounded theory were employed to explore and analyse the differences/commonalities of solving problems in the two schools.The summary of results indicate that: ·In the two schools,students were encouraged to use multiple strategies when solving problems; ·Approaches used by the students were impacted on,or influenced by the methods they usually(commonly)adopt,and are taught; ·Canadian and Chinese teachers differ slightly in their perspectives on,and approaches to,teaching problem solving.Canadian teachers mentioned that they would invite students to discuss possible methods of solving a given problem,but they would not suggest the optimal methods,instead the students decide the methods they like.On the contrary,Chinese teachers mentioned that they would discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different potential methods,and then give suggestions on when to use the different methods.
Improving education has been an ongoing project for teachers and administrators asit goes in sync with the ideas of education constantly evolving.There is never the same daywithin an educational insti
Based on the "Reciprocal Learning in Teacher Education and School Education in China and Canada"(RLTESECC),this study selected three student-teachers who went to Canada in the autumn of 2017 as cases.
课堂提问是实现教学目标、促进学生思维发展、进行师生互动的重要方法。本研究基于“中加教师教育和学校教育互惠学习”合作研究项目,采用苏州大学硕士研究生邹磊编制的课堂问答行为观察量表,对中国重庆市某中学和加拿大Walkerville 公立高中的化学教学视频进行观察、记录,再用Excel 软件对数据进行统计,并结合教师访谈进行比较研究。基于以上的研究,得出两国化学教师课堂提问行为的异同,并就“提问主体”方
上海市闵竹小学和加拿大多伦多森瑞小学是一对进行跨文化交流的国际姊妹校,自2013 年至今,两校已在学校领导、教师发展、课堂教学、学校文化等领域进行了多方面的交流与学习,其中课堂教学是主要内容之一。本研究聚焦于两所学校的课堂教学,通过对两节主题相近的课堂教学进行比较,探析双方课堂教学在价值特质、过程特质和文化特质三个方面的异同,从而进一步明晰我国目前的课堂教学特质,反思并寻找进一步可能的改革路向。研
随着基础教育国际化进程的不断推进,中国与加拿大之间的交流日益密切。为了实现中国与加拿大在小学数学课堂教学策略上的优势互补,将选取加拿大温莎W 公立学校和中国重庆市S 小学在“空间与图形”这一知识领域的实践过程进行比较分析,研究发现中加两国在数学课堂教学策略上存在很多相似之处,主要体现在:在课堂设计和教学方式上,中加两国教师都是通过使用形象情境的方式引入数学概念;在教学理念上,中方是“教师为中心”,
角是小学几何中的一个基础而又复杂的概念,也是小学数学教师认为难以进行创新教学的内容。本文以加拿大和中国数学课程标准、加拿大Math Makes Sense 和中国人教版小数数学教材、加拿大和中国数学教师的教学设计和教学实录以及对中国和加拿大教师的访谈为研究数据,运用内容分析法对“角”在加拿大和中国课程标准中的要求、教材中的编排方式和教学方法进行研究。结果 表明,两国课程标准对“角”的要求大致相同但