Bridging modern and traditional Chinese medicines by knowledge-mining

来源 :第五届全国生物信息学与系统生物学学术大会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jonquil1981
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  Background: Unlike Western medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which is based on the doctrine and empirical practices of systems science, uses simple yet meaningful symptoms or their combinations to describe diseases.However, the theory behind each symptom is often obscure for the lack of scientific basis and molecule evidence as compared to modern medicine.Methods: A significant effort has been made to link TCM symptoms and standard disease terms by common genes using text mining.Results: The current release carefully selected 4,989 gene-symptom relationships, covering 80 TCM symptoms.Additionally, TCMeSH can also be used as a discovery tool by generating novel inferences.Conclusions: Some inherently useful but hidden relations among genes, diseases, TCM symptoms can be inferred to form testable hypotheses .
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