Co-culture with human fetal epidermal keratinocytes promotes proliferation and migration of both hum

来源 :第九届全国创伤修复(愈合)与组织再生学术会议暨第二届中欧创面修复学术会议 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hhww541
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  Objective: Fetuses and adults follow different repair strategies for the healing of skin wounds.Skin wound healing is primarily controlled by the proliferation and migration of dermal fibroblasts as well as the complex interactions between epidermal keratinocytes (KCs) and dermal fibroblasts.The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of fetal skin epidermal KCs on both human fetal and adult skin fibroblasts.
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目的:观察阻断血管紧张素Ⅱ (angiotensin Ⅱ,Ang Ⅱ)1型受体(type 1 receptor, AT1R)对创面愈合过程的创面愈合率以及创伤局部细胞凋亡的影响。方法:建立小鼠背部全层皮肤缺损创面模型,直径6mm,在创面模型建立同时腹腔给予AT1R特异性阻断剂Losartan(每天20mg/kg),在创面形成后第0、l、3、5、7、9、11、13、15天切取创面组织标本,并观察AT
目的:优化人体外外分泌汗腺细胞分离的方法,以高效地提取原代汗腺细胞.方法:新鲜的皮肤组织标本经过D-hanks液漂洗后,剪成组织微粒(大小约1mm3),A组使用胰蛋白酶-EDTA(胰蛋白酶0.25%,EDTA 0.53mM)和胶原酶Ⅱ型(2mg/ml)体积分数1∶1混合的方法;B组采用传统消化方法,即胶原酶Ⅱ型(2mg/ml);C组采用胰蛋白酶-EDTA(胰蛋白酶0.25%,EDTA 0.53mM
目的:研究受体活性修饰蛋白1(receptor activity modifying protein 1,RAMP1)过表达对MG-63细胞降钙素受体样受体(calcitonin receptor-like receptor, CRLR)表达和分布的影响,探讨RAMP1过表达后对降钙素基因相关肽(calcitonin gene-related peptide,CGRP)促进MG-63细胞分化中作用
背景:我们前期研究发现,组蛋白去乙酰化酶2 (HDAC2)具有独立的SUMO E3连接酶功能结构域,通过此酶介导,HDAC2可通过上调翻译起始因子eIF4E的SUMO化修饰,直接参与并促进蛋白质翻译起始复合物eIF4F的形成,上调cap-依赖蛋白质翻译水平。目的:构建HDAC2的SUMO E3连接酶功能失活的片段缺失突变体,探究此HDAC2新功能是否影响小鼠威纤维细胞L929的增殖。
Keratinocytes proliferation is critical for the capacity to heal wounds and accumulating evidences have proved that dysregulation of microRNAs is involved in proliferation of keratinocytes.However, th