Co-culture of astrocytes with neurons from injured brain A time-dependent dichotomy

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zoogar002
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As supportive cells for neuronal growth and development,much effort has been devoted to the role of astrocytes in the normal state.However,the effect of the astrocytes after injury remains elusive.In the present study,neurons isolated from the subventricular zone of injured neonatal rat brains were co-cultured with astrocytes.After 6 days,these astrocytes showed a mature neuron-like appearance and the number of surviving neurons,primary dendrites and total branches was significantly higher than those at 3 days.The neurons began to shrink at 9 days after co-culture with shorter and thinner processes and the number of primary dendrites and total branches was significantly reduced.These experimental findings indicate that astrocytes in the injured brain promote the development of neurons in the early stages of co-culture while these cells reversely inhibit neuronal growth and development at the later states. As supportive cells for neuronal growth and development, much effort has been devoted to the role of astrocytes in the normal state. However, the effect of the astrocytes after injury remains elusive. In the present study, neurons isolated from the subventricular zone of injured neonatal rat brains were co-cultured with astrocytes. After 6 days, these astrocytes showed a mature neuron-like appearance and the number of surviving neurons, primary dendrites and total branches were significantly higher than those at 3 days. neurons began to shrink at 9 days after co-culture with shorter and thinner processes and the number of primary dendrites and total branches was significantly reduced. These experimental findings indicate that astrocytes in the injured brain promote the development of neurons in the early stages of co-culture while these cells reversely inhibit neuronal growth and development at the later states.
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